Clonal variations in nutritional components of Pinus koreansis seeds collected from seed orchards in Northeastern China 被引量:6
中文题名:Clonal variations in nutritional components of Pinus koreansis seeds collected from seed orchards in Northeastern China
英文题名:Clonal variations in nutritional components of Pinus koreansis seeds collected from seed orchards in Northeastern China
作者:Zhen Zhang[1,2] Hanguo Zhang[2] Chuanping Yang[2] Lei Zhang[2] Jia Du[3] Ying Jiang[2]
第一作者:Zhen Zhang;张振
机构:[1]Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry;[2]School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University;[3]School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
基金:supported by the Special Research of Public Welfare Forestry Industry for Financial Support for ‘‘Korean pine Improved Type Selection and Directive Breeding Technology Research(201204320)’’;the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2572014AA23)
外文关键词:Fatty acid ; Amino acid ; Clone ; Multi-characteristic selection
摘要:From four Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis)orchards, 60 clones were selected and analyzed for the fatty acid and amino acid components of the seeds to reveal the variations and correlations of the seed characteristics among the clonal source orchards and clones. The nutritional components of the seeds of the P. koraiensis trees exhibited rich genetic variation; the variation coefficient of the fatty acids was 2.24–66.83 %, while the variation coefficient of the amino acids was 14.70–38.88 %. Relatively high genetic-improvement potential exists for the nutritional components of the seeds. The phenotypic differentiation of the fatty acid and amino acid components reveals that variation within the population(85.18 %) was the primary source for the variation of the fatty acid components; variation among the orchards(63.08 %) was the primary source of the variation of the amino acid components. Data drawn from various clonal source orchards all showed that the seed characteristics were highly controlled by heritability(h2[ 80 %), and the seed characteristics of the P. koraiensis trees exhibited a similar genetic gain trend. The principal components were analyzed to obtain the comprehensive principal component value for each clonal seed orchard. Twelve clones were selected based on a clonal selection rate of 20 %. Correlation and multiple stepwise-regression analyses were conducted, considering different location conditions, to reveal the stable correlations between the seed characteristics to facilitate improvements of the seed yield of P.koraiensis trees and the clonal selection. Species of real characteristics in P. koraiensis were controlled by higher heritability. Genetic gain was obtained by selecting of superior clones.
From four Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) orchards, 60 clones were selected and analyzed for the fatty acid and amino acid components of the seeds to reveal the variations and correlations of the seed characteristics among the clonal source orchards and clones. The nutri- tional components of the seeds of the P. koraiensis trees exhibited rich genetic variation; the variation coefficient of the fatty acids was 2.24-66.83 %, while the variation coefficient of the amino acids was 14.70-38.88 %. Rela- tively high genetic-improvement potential exists for the nutritional components of the seeds. The phenotypic dif- ferentiation of the fatty acid and amino acid components reveals that variation within the population (85.18 %) was the primary source for the variation of the fatty acid components; variation among the orchards (63.08 %) was the primary source of the variation of the amino acid components. Data drawn from various clonal source orchards all showed that the seed characteristics were highly controlled by heritability (h2 〉 80 %), and the seed characteristics of the P. koraiensis trees exhibited a similar genetic gain trend. The principal components were ana- lyzed to obtain the comprehensive principal component value for each clonal seed orchard. Twelve clones were selected based on a clonal selection rate of 20 %. Corre- lation and multiple stepwise-regression analyses were conducted, considering different location conditions, to reveal the stable correlations between the seed character- istics to facilitate improvements of the seed yield of P. koraiensis trees and the clonal selection. Species of real characteristics in P. koraiensis were controlled by higher heritability. Genetic gain was obtained by selecting of superior clones.