不同经营模式对华北油松人工林碳储量的影响 被引量:8
Effects of Different Management Regimes on Carbon Stock of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantations in Northern China
英文题名:Effects of Different Management Regimes on Carbon Stock of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantations in Northern China
作者:肖军[1,2] 雷蕾[1] 曾立雄[1] 李肇晨[2] 马成功[3] 肖文发[1]
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
外文关键词:Pinus tabulaeformis plantation;close-to-nature management;carbon stock;annual increment,Wangyedian Experimental Forest Farm
摘要:科学认识不同经营模式下人工林碳储量变化规律对于采取合理的经营措施以提高森林碳汇潜力和木材生产具有重要意义。以赤峰旺业甸实验林场3个龄级(10年林、47年林、56年林)油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林为研究对象,调查分析近自然经营、常规经营、未经营等3种经营模式对其生态系统碳储量及6年年均增量的影响。结果表明:3种经营模式的油松人工林生态系统碳储量组成均呈土壤层>乔木层>枯落物层>草本层>灌木层,且乔木层、植被层和生态系统的碳储量均随林龄增加而显著增加(P<0.05);3种经营模式在3个龄级的油松人工林生态系统碳储量年均增量均为正值,未经营林分的随林龄增加而降低,近自然经营林分和常规经营林分通过不同的经营措施均改变了这一下降趋势(P<0.05);近自然经营显著提高了56年林生态系统、47年林和56年林乔木层及3个龄级枯落物层的碳储量年均增量(P<0.05),常规经营显著降低了3个龄级生态系统(P<0.05)、10年林和47年林土壤层碳储量的年均增量(P<0.01);就龄级而言,近自然经营和常规经营56年林生态系统碳储量的年均增量(7.49 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1),3.49 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1))均大于47年林(5.82 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1),1.27 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1))。为提高油松人工林生态系统碳储量,对尚未郁闭的低龄林分应尽量减少抚育间伐等人为干扰,但综合考虑碳储量增长和大径级用材林培育,近自然经营最理想。该研究区60年左右的油松人工林乔木层和生态系统碳储量仍在持续增长,建议提高其成熟林林龄区间的划分,以提高森林生态系统碳汇功能并培育更多的大径材。
It is of great significance to scientifically understand the change law of carbon storage of plantations under different management modes for taking reasonable silvicultural measures to improve the carbon storage potential of forests and wood production.In this study,Pinus Tabuliformis plantations of three age classes(10 year old,47 year old,56 year old)in Wangyedian Experimental Forest Farm in Chifeng were taken as research objects.At the same time,the impacts of close-to-nature management(CTNM),conventional management(CM)and no human intervention(NHI)on the carbon storage of the ecosystem and the 6-year average annual increment were investigated and analyzed.The results show the order of the amounts of carbon storage of Pinus Tabuliformis plantation ecosystem under the three management modes as soil>trees>litter>grass>shrubs.Carbon storage in trees,vegetation and ecosystem of Pinus Tabuliformis plantation increased significantly with the increase of stand age(P<0.05).Moreover,CTNM boosts the annual increment of ecosystem carbon stock in the 56-year-old stand,that of tree carbon stock in 47-and 56-year old stands,and that of litter carbon stock in stands of all three ages(P<0.05).But CM significantly reduced the average annual increment of carbon storage in soil of 3 age class ecosystems(P<0.05),10-year-old forests and 47-year-old forests(P<0.01).The annual increments of ecosystem carbon stock of 56-year-old stands under CTNM and CM(7.49 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1),3.48 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1))were greater than those in 47-year-old stands(5.82 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1),1.28 Mg·hm^(?2)·a^(?1)).Considering the growth of carbon storage of Chinese pine plantations and the cultivation of large diameter timber forests,CTNM is the most ideal management mode.Additionally,the carbon storage of tree layers and ecosystems of Pinus Tabuliformis plantations about 60 years old in the study area is still growing.It is suggested that the division of mature forest age interval should be improved to improve the carbon sink function of forest ecosystem and cultivate more large diameter timber.