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干旱区土地利用方式对沙漠化土地恢复能力的评价     被引量:33

Effects of Land-use Types on Restoration of Desertified Land in Arid Zone of China



英文题名:Effects of Land-use Types on Restoration of Desertified Land in Arid Zone of China

作者:王葆芳[1] 贾宝全[1] 杨晓晖[1] 刘星晨[1] 王君厚[2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica


基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 0 70 60 1 ) ;"九五"国家科技攻关资助项目 (96-0 1 7-0 1 -0 5 )



外文关键词:arid zone;sand desertification;land restoration


摘要:研究结果表明 :土地利用方式和人为生产经营活动方式及干扰程度对荒漠化土地的恢复和重建有很大影响 ,草田轮作地的土壤有机质 (5 .90 8g/kg)和全 P(1 .0 95 g/kg)含量最高 ,分别是荒漠地和果树地的 1 0 .2、6.1倍和 1 .6、1 .4倍 ,全N量以牧草地最高 ,分别是其它地类的 2 .7~ 1 .6倍 ,林地有机质含量仅次于草田轮作地和农地 ,荒漠地土壤营养元素最低。果树地和林地的微生物以细菌为主 ,分别占微生物总量的 5 8.0 %和 48.1 % ,牧草地以固氮菌为绝对优势 ,占微生物总量的 5 1 .1 % ,农地的放线菌多于牧草地、林地、果树地和荒漠地 ,荒漠地土壤微生物数量最低。农地对土壤的细化作用大于牧草地和林地。开发区经过 1 5 a治理后 ,植物多样性指数和均匀度分别由 0 .981和 0 .3 1 9提高到 1 .82 5和 0 .483 ,优势度由 0 .70 8降到 0 .5 5
Land degradation of dryland ecosystems has become one of the most severe constrains to the sustainable development in northwestern China. This study was carried out in the Ulanbuhe desert in western Inner Mongolia during periods of 1994~1998, in order to reveal the mutual relationships between the production systems and restoration of soil fertility on agriculture development area.\;Soil physical and chemical characteristics were measured for various land use types in the agriculture development area, including woodland, cropland, fruit orchard, grassland, grass and crops rotation land, and desert. The soil characteristics measured include soil texture and soil nutritive elements, that is, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus, total potassium, and available potassium. Soil samples were made by random sampling method for each land use type, with three duplications. Soil samples were analyzed according to the China's national standards.\;Soil microorganisms were accounted for each land use type, by using the random sampling method and five duplications. Microorganism accounting was carried out according to the China's national standard. Identification of bacteria was made by the Institute of Microorganism, Chinese Academy of Sciences. \;Investigation of vegetation community was carried out on the desert, shelterbelts, and various abandoned farmlands with different years, respectively. Investigation plot size is 5×5 m, with 8 duplications for each land type. The abundance ( R ) is indicated by the number of species in the plant community.Important value = relative abundance + relative coverage + relative frequency. The species diversity index ( D ) is calculated by: D=3.3219( log N-1)=∑ s i=1n\-i log n\-i The community evenness ( J ) is calculated by: J = [N(N/S - 1 )] /∑ s i=1n i(n i-1) The Simpson ecological dominance ( C ) is calculated by: C = ∑si=1{[ n i(n i-1)/N(N - 1)]}  Where, N is total number of individuals of all species, n i is the number of individuals of i th species, s is the number of species. The results showed that the human disturbances such as land use type and its production system exert significant influence on land desertification and its restoration, and there are significant differences in soil fertility for different land use types. In the grass crop rotation land, the soil organic matter is 5 908 g/kg and total phosphorus is 1 095 g/kg, which are the highest among the investigated land use types, they are 10 2 times and 6 1 times as that of desert land respectively, and 1 6 times and 1 4 times of that of fruit orchard respectively. Total nitrogen in grassland is 2 7~1 6 times of that of other land use types, which is the highest among them. The organic mater in the woodland is 8 89 times as desert land, which is just lower than that in the cropland and the grass crop rotation land. In fruit orchard and woodland the dominant soil microorganisms are bacteria, which occupy 58% and 48 1% the total microorganisms respectively. In grassland, the dominant ones are nitrogen fixing bacteria, which account to 51 1% of total soil microorganisms. The number of ray fungi in cropland is more than that in grassland, woodland, fruit orchard land, and desert land. The nutritive elements and microorganisms in desert are lowest among all the land use types. The anti wind erosion ability of grassland is stronger than that of woodland. The capability of cropland to fine soil is more powerful than that of grassland and woodland. At the initial stage of developing and using desert land, the species diversity index, community evenness and dominance of plant communities are 0 981, 0 319 and 0 708 respectively. But after 15 year of the development of desert land, the species diversity index and evenness index increase to 1 825 and 0 483 respectively, while dominance index decreases to 0 552. Those results reconfirmed that the human misuse and irrati



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