不同年龄毛竹碳氮磷化学计量特征 被引量:21
The Carbon,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Contents of Phyllostachys edulis with Different Ages
英文题名:The Carbon,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Contents of Phyllostachys edulis with Different Ages
作者:刘广路[1] 范少辉[1] 郭宝华[1] 杜满义[2] 李兴军[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
外文关键词:Phyllostachys edulis; Carbon; nitrogen and phosphorus content; Metering ratio
摘要:以毛竹分布中心区的不同年龄毛竹为研究对象,比较不同年龄毛竹林碳、氮、磷含量及其比值,探讨毛竹不同生长阶段主要养分及计量比值的变化特征,揭示毛竹生长规律,同时为"生长速率理论"提供证据。结果表明:毛竹同一器官碳、氮、磷含量和碳氮比、碳磷比、氮磷比随着毛竹年龄的增大差异达到显著水平(P〈0.01),1~3年生竹叶、竹枝和竹根碳磷比和氮磷比呈降低的趋势,其后氮磷比升高,5年生氮磷比最高;1~3年生竹秆碳氮比、碳磷比和氮磷比与竹叶变化趋势相反,4~6 a竹秆碳磷比和氮磷比与竹叶变化趋势相同,反映了毛竹在不同的生长阶段碳、氮和磷含量和计量比值发生了变化,1~3年生毛竹具有较快的生长速度,竹根和竹叶氮磷比降低,随着毛竹生长速率的降低,氮磷比升高,符合"生长速率理论"。1~6 a竹叶N∶P分别为13.03、9.81、7.47、15.17、21.01、15.52,平均值为13.67,N∶P〈14反映了研究区毛竹生长主要受到N元素的限制。其中,2、3年生N∶P低于10,对2、3年生竹施用N肥可以促进竹子的更好生长;5年生毛竹根和叶的氮磷比值最高,5 a时采伐可以降低土壤P素缺失风险。
Phyllostachys edulis with different ages was taken as the research objective to compare the content change of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of moso bamboo with different ages, to reveal the growth law, while providing an evidence for the "Growth Rate Hypothesis"(GRH). The results showed that C, N, P content and C ∶ N,C ∶ P, N ∶ P of the same organ showed significant difference with the increase of age. C ∶ N and N ∶ P of leaves,branches and roots decreased with the age increased from 1 year to 3 years, then the N ∶ P increased with the age of moso bamboo form 4 years to 6 years. Conversely, C ∶ N and N ∶ P of stems increased with the age increased from 1 year to 3 years. Meanwhile, the C ∶ P and N ∶ P trend of stems just as same as the trend of leaves,branches and roots from the 4 years to 6 years. The carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content and its ratio change was observed for moso bamboo with different growth stages. Because the moso bamboo of the 1-3 years grew faster than that of the 4-6 years, the N ∶ P in roots and leaves of moso bamboo with 1-3 years was lower than that of the 4-6 years. The results were consistent to "GRH". The N ∶ P of from the 1 to 6 years old was 13.03,9.81, 7.47, 15.17, 21.01, 15.52, respectively. Its average was 13.67 and was lower than the threshold value of 14.It reflected the growth of moso bamboo in the area to be limited primarily by N element quantities.The lowest N ∶ P of roots and leaves appeared on the 2 and 3 years moso bamboo. It indicated the metabolism of the 2, 3-year old moso bamboo was stronger, its rhizome expanded activity, and its potential productivity was higher. N should be supplied adequately for the 2, 3-year old moso bamboo. The highest N ∶ P of roots and leaves appeared in the5 years moso bamboo. It indicated the moso bamboo of the 5-year old moso bamboo had highest holding efficiency of N. The soil should lose less phosphorus element if the moso bamboo with the 5 years was cut.