杉木人工林间伐后套种阔叶树种的生长动态 被引量:6
Growth Dynamics of Hardwood Species Inter-planted under Intensively Thinned Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation
英文题名:Growth Dynamics of Hardwood Species Inter-planted under Intensively Thinned Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation
作者:曾冀[1,2] 朱雪萍[1] 唐继新[1] 廖树寿[1] 卢立华[1,2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University
外文关键词:Cunninghamia lanceolata;interplantation;hardwood species;growth dynamics
摘要:15年生杉木人工林采用4个强度进行间伐,保留密度分别为375(Ⅰ)、488(Ⅱ)、594(Ⅲ)和732(Ⅳ)株·hm-2,于林下均匀套种大叶栎、红椎、灰木莲、香梓楠、格木等5个乡土阔叶树种,2008年底调查套种阔叶树的胸径、树高和冠幅等生长指标,此后至2016年每2 a测定1次,应用方差分析和Duncan多重比较分析这些生长指标对不同强度间伐的动态响应。结果表明:1)杉木林下套种第3年,大叶栎的胸径、树高和冠幅以及灰木莲的树高和冠幅、红椎的树高出现生长高峰;第5年,红椎、灰木莲、香梓楠的胸径出现生长高峰;第9年,格木的胸径、树高和冠幅以及香梓楠的树高和冠幅、红椎的冠幅增长量最大。2)套种5个阔叶树的3个方面(胸径、树高和冠幅)生长总体表现看,其生长速度最快为大叶栎,其次为红椎、灰木莲,再次为香梓楠,最慢为格木。3)杉木间伐强度对套种阔叶树的生长大多表现为中度间伐强度优于强度和弱度处理,但并未呈现明显规律。香梓楠的胸径、树高、枝下高和冠幅生长最慢,大叶栎则生长最快;大叶栎在间伐处理Ⅱ(488株·hm-2)下套种优于其余3个间伐处理,格木则适合在间伐处理Ⅰ(375株·hm-2)下套种,红椎、灰木莲和香梓楠适合在间伐处理Ⅲ(594株·hm-2)下套种。大叶栎、红椎和灰木莲适合在间伐处理Ⅰ和Ⅱ下套种;香梓楠和格木适合在间伐处理Ⅲ和Ⅳ下套种。
Fifteen-year-old C.lanceolata plantation was thinned with four different intensities in February 2008,and the reserved densities were 375(Ⅰ),488(Ⅱ),594(Ⅲ)and 732(Ⅳ)plant/hm 2,respectively.Five indigenous broadleaved tree species,i.e.,Castanopsis fissa,C.hystrix,Erythrophleum fordii,Manglietia glauca,Michelia hedyosperma were then interplanted uniformly in C.lanceolata plantation.The diameter at breast height(DBH)or root collar diameter,tree height and crown width of the broad-leaved trees were investigated every two years for eight consecutive years since 2008.The analyses of variance and Duncan multiple comparison were conducted to examine the growth dynamic response of intercropped tree species to the thinning intensity.The results demonstrated that 3 years after interplanting broad-leaved tree species,growth peaks were fothe the DBH and crown width of E.fordii,and the tree height and crown width of Michelia hedyosperma were also declined with the increase of reserved density although the thinning intensity had no significant influence on the growth initially.Contrarily,the DBH of M.hedyosperma increased with the increase of reserved density.Additionally,the DBH,tree height and crown width of C.fissa,the tree height and crown width of M.glauca,and tree height of C.hystrix reached the maximum values at the third year after interplanting,while the DBH of C.hystrix,M.glauca and M.hedyosperma reached the peak values at the fifth year after interplanting.The DBH,tree height and crown width of E.fordii,the tree height and crown width of M.hedyosperma,and the crown width of C.hystrix peaked at ninth year after interplanting.Among the broad-leaved tree species interplanted under the C.lanceolata plantation after thinning,the best growth was C.fissa,followed by C.hystrix,M.glauca,M.hedyosperma and E.fordii.The growth of Quercus griffithii,C.hystrix and M.glauca increased as the increase of thinning intensity,while the growth of M.hedyosperma and E.fordii were not significantly affected by the thinning intensity.The result suggested that C.fissa,C.hystrix and M.glauca were suitable intercropping species in the thinning intensities ofⅠandⅡ,and M.hedyosperma and E.fordii were suitable intercropping species in the thinning intensities ofⅢofⅣunder fifteen-year-old C.lanceolata plantation in southwest Guangxi.