北京地区不同植被类型空气负离子浓度及其影响因素分析 被引量:71
Variations in Negative Air Ion Concentrations Associated with Different Vegetation Types and Influencing Factors in Beijing
英文题名:Variations in Negative Air Ion Concentrations Associated with Different Vegetation Types and Influencing Factors in Beijing
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
外文关键词:vegetation types;;negative air ion concentration;;air temperature and humidity;;environmental conditions;;air quality
摘要:为研究城市内常见植被的空气负离子浓度水平及其影响因素,选取了北京市内几种常见的植被类型,以无植被覆盖的开阔地为参照对象,采用曲线图、散点图、回归分析等手段研究了不同植被类型的空气负离子浓度差异,并分析了外部环境对空气负离子浓度的影响.结果表明,(1)有林地区空气负离子浓度水平远高于无林地区,北京不同植被类型的空气负离子日平均浓度差异明显,5 类样地的日平均空气负离子浓度波动范围在300-1 800 ion·cm^-3 之间,从高到低排序为:阔叶林〉针阔叶混交林〉针叶林〉灌木林〉无植被覆盖开阔地,且波动范围也逐渐变小,日平均空气负离子浓度分别达到了1 198、1 069、710、599、516 ion·cm-3.最高值-般出现在早晨或者晚上,最低值-般出现在中午.(2)空气负离子含量受天气变化影响显著,4 种天气状况下的空气负离子浓度由高到低依次为:雷雨天〉晴天〉阴天〉雾霾天.(3)空气负离子浓度与温度呈负相关,回归方程为:y=-0.018 9x+40.157(r=-0.848,f=53.782,t=-7.334,P=0.001);与相对湿度呈正相关,回归方程为:y=0.058 0x+16.475(r=0.810,f=40.176,t=6.338,P=0.001).(4)人类活动对空气负离子浓度影响较大,空气负离子浓度与人流量车流量均呈负相关,空气负离子浓度从中心城区向外逐渐升高,万泉河路、香山路、新平北路3 个样地的日平均空气负离子浓度分别为:367、485、548 ion·cm^-3.(5)空气负离子浓度室外明显高于室内.(6)空气质量与空气负离子浓度关系显著,空气负离子浓度与空气质量指数、PM2.5 浓度均呈负相关.这些结果给城市绿地规划及大气治理提供了-些参考,并对后续进一步的研究做了铺垫.
In order to research the level of negative air ions (NAI) concentration and its factors in cities, we compared the concentration of negative air ions in several vegetation types common around Beijing with the concentration over open land without vegetation cover. We also explored variations in NAI concentrations associated with differing weather, human activities, and buildings, and the relationship between NAI concentrations and air quality. The results showed that: (1) The average daily NAI concentration in vegetated areas was much higher than in open land without vegetation cover, with significant differences between various vegetation types. Broad leaved forest had the highest average daily NAI concentration of the vegetation types studied, with concentrations decreasing in mixed coniferous broad leaved forest, to coniferous forest, and down to shrub land. Open land without vegetation cover had the lowest concentrations. The amplitude of daily variations in concentration decreased similarly, the daily average concentration of negative air ions respectively reached 1 198, 1 069, 710, 599 and 516 ion·cm-3. The highest values occurred in the morning or at night, the minimum value appeared at noon. (2) NAI concentration was significantly affected by the weather. Days were categorized as being sunny, hazy, cloudy, or having thunderstorms, with observed NAI concentrations ranging from highest on thunderstorm days through sunny day and cloudy days to the lowest levels on hazy days. (3) Negative air ion concentrations were inversely related to air temperature, the regression equation is y=-0.018 9x+40.157(r=-0.848, f=53.782, t=-7.334, P=0.001). But it increased with relative humidity, the regression equation is y=0.058 0x+16.475(r=0.810, f=40.176, t=6.338, P=0.001). (4) Human activities were strongly correlated with the concentration of NAIs. Measurements of NAIs on several major roads in Beijing show a decrease with increased pedestrian volume and vehicle flow rate, and an increase from city center to suburbs, the daily average concentration of negative air ions respectively reached 367, 485 and 548 ion·cm-3 in Wanquanhe Road, Xiangshan Road and North Xinping Road. (5) NAI concentration measured inside buildings were lower than those measured nearby outside. (6) The relationship between air quality and negative air ion concentration was significant, with NAI concentrations being inversely proportional to an air quality index and PM2.5 levels. These results encourage the development of urban green spaces and air pollution controls. In addition, they lay the foundation for further studies.