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广西大青山西南桦人工林立地指数表编制     被引量:8

Site index table construction for Betula alnoides plantations in the Daqing Mountains, Guangxi



英文题名:Site index table construction for Betula alnoides plantations in the Daqing Mountains, Guangxi

作者:唐诚[1,2] 王春胜[2] 庞圣江[3] 贾宏炎[3] 曾杰[2] 雷渊才[4]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University





外文关键词:forest mensuration;Betula alnoides;guide curve;standard deviation adjustment method;site index


摘要:立地指数表是评价林木生长状况以及林分生产力的重要工具。为了编制西南桦Betula alnoides人工林立地指数表,于广西大青山林区各种立地设置49块西南桦人工林样地进行生长调查,选取平均优势木1株·样地-1进行树干解析,选用Richards,Weibull,Korf等9个常用方程拟合816对优势高-年龄数据,通过统计指标决定系数(R2)、平均绝对误差(EAMR)、平均相对误差(ERMR)和均方根误差(ERMSE)的对比分析筛选导向曲线,依据49株优势木的生长过程确定基准年龄和指数级距,应用标准差调整法编制立地指数表,并对其进行落点、拟合显著性和预报精度检验。结果表明:9个模型中,Richards方程的拟合效果最优,其R^2最大,EAMR,ERMR和ERMSE最小,因而作为导向曲线;西南桦优势高连年生长量和优势高变异系数在15a后基本稳定,因此确定15a为基准年龄;基准年龄时优势高变动范围为15.2~25.8m,考虑到西南桦较为速生,确定2.0m为指数级距,据此编制了西南桦人工林立地指数表。落点检验表明所编表能解释93.8%的优势木生长状况;χ^2检验表明立地指数表所反映的优势高生长过程与实际生长过程无显著差异;立地指数级和林龄2个方面的误差分析得出,此表预报精度较高。本研究编制的西南桦人工林立地指数表,可应用于广西大青山及类似地区西南桦人工林的立地质量评价、生长潜力预估。
To establish a site index table, an important tool when estimating tree growth and forest productivity,for Betula alnoides plantations, 49 sample plots of B. alnoides plantations were set at all sorts of sites in the Daqing Mountain Forest Area, Guangxi. In each plot, growth performance of all trees was noted, and one average dominate tree was sampled to conduct a stem analysis. Nine equations such as Richards, Weibull, and Korf were used to fit 816 height-diameter data sets obtained from the stem analysis mentioned above,and their statistical indexes including coefficient of determination (R^2), absolute mean residual (EAMR), relative mean residual (ERMR), and root mean square error (ERMSE)were calculated for selection of optimal guide curve. Reference age and interval for the site index class were determined by analyzing the growth process of the 49 dominant trees. Afterward a site index table was developed using the standard deviation adjustment method, and it was tested in terms of falling point, fitting significance, and prediction accuracy. Results showed that among the nine models fitted, Richards function performed best with the largest R2 and the smallest EAMR, ERMR, and ERMSE, and was selected as the guide curve. The reference age of B. alnoides was determined as 15 years since the current growth increment and coefficient of variation for dominant heights tended to be stable after 15 years old. Also, the interval of the site index class was two meters based on its fast growth property and range of dominant height (15.2-25.8 m). The site index table developed for plantations of this species indicated that the actual growth process from the falling point test and χ^2 test were not significantly different for growth process of dominant height predicted. The estimation error analysis for different aspects of site index and stand age showed that the table had a high forecast accuracy. Thus, this site index table could be applied to site quality evaluation and growth potential prediction for B. alnoides plantations, and it could technically contribute to reasonable plantation management and to matching a site with this species in the Daqing Mountains of Guangxi and regions with similar site conditions.



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