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大果沙棘不同品种的生长性状及其与产量的相关分析     被引量:18

Growth Characters and Their Correlations with Fruit Yield of Thirteen Large Berry Cultivars of Sea Buckthorn in Different Trial Plots



英文题名:Growth Characters and Their Correlations with Fruit Yield of Thirteen Large Berry Cultivars of Sea Buckthorn in Different Trial Plots

作者:张建国[1] 段爱国[1] 罗红梅[2] 单金友[3] 何彩云[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Large Berry Cultivars of Sea Buckthorn;growth characters ;yield of fruit ;yield of seed;correlation analysis


摘要:在黑龙江绥棱和内蒙古磴口试验区对13个大果沙棘品种的生长性状及其与产量的相关关系进行了研究,结果表明:(1)大果沙棘的叶片长度在不同试验点间差异不明显,磴口试验点的叶片宽度不同程度地比绥棱试验点小,同一试验点不同品种的叶片长度与宽度亦存在一定差异;中国沙棘叶片长度明显小于引进大果沙棘品种,宽度与引进品种相近;磴口试验点叶片长宽比明显高于绥棱,叶片长宽比的大小可作为衡量品种抗逆性或者适应性的一个指标。(2)不同大果沙棘品种的枝刺数具有很大的不同,且同一品种在不同试验点的枝刺数并不完全一致,在磴口试验点,许多品种的枝刺数有明显的增加趋势,这可能是对干旱环境的一种适应或反应;中国沙棘枝刺数量多,为长期适应干旱瘠薄环境的结果。(3)大多数大果沙棘品种在磴口试验点的株高、地径及冠径均低于绥棱试验点,中国沙棘生长旺盛,其株高、地径及冠径均明显大于大果沙棘。(4)品种不同丰产性也不同,而且产量的年度稳定性相差很大,在试验林进入盛果期后,一些大果沙棘品种产量可达到10 000 kg.hm-2。(5)不同试验点不同品种的生长指标与产量的线性相关性强弱不一致;从生长指标的大小可对产量进行有效预测,而准确的预测还需要进行连续的生长观测和产量测定,以建立完善的沙棘产量预测体系。
Growth characters and their relationship with fruit yield of 13 Large Berry Cultivars of Sea buckthom ( Hippophae rhamnoides ) were studied at two sites, Shuiling of Heilongjiang ( 47 °13 ′N, 127 °7′E) and Dengkou of Inner Mongolia (40°20′N, 106°59′ E). The results showed : ( 1 ) The length of Large Berry Cultivars has not obvious difference between two trial plots, the width of Large Berry Cultivars in Dengkou county was smaller than that in Suiling county, the difference of leaf width and length varied with different cultivars ; the leaf length of Chinese Sea Buckthom was obviously smaller than that of Large Berry Cultivars, and the width was similar; the rate of leaf length to width in Dengkou was obviously higher than that in index to compare the resistance an among different cultivars, and the Suiling , the rate of leaf length and width can be viewed as an d adaptation of different cultivars. (2)The number of branch thorns was different amount was not equal for the same cultivar in different trial plots, in Dengkou county, the amount of branch thorns had obvious increasing trend, which maybe an adaptation to drought, and this adaptation was the reason why that Chinese Sea Buckthorn grew the most branch thorns. (3)The height, ground diameter and crown diameter of most Large Berry Cultivars in Dengkou were all lower than that in Suiling, these growth indexes of Chinese Sea Buckthorn were obviously higher than that of Large Berry Cuhivars. (4) Different cultivars could get to 10 000 kg · hm^-2. (5)The correlation between grow and yield of different Large Berry Cuhivars was different, and yield could be effectively predicted through growth indexes, but a perfect prediction system still needs more practical data to build.



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