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基于控制实验的6个典型亚热带树种空气负离子效应     被引量:11

Negative Air Ion Effect of Six Typical Subtropical Tree Species Based on Control Experiment



英文题名:Negative Air Ion Effect of Six Typical Subtropical Tree Species Based on Control Experiment

作者:李爱博[1,2] 周本智[2] 李春友[1] 叶明[3] 杨振亚[2] 赵雄伟[1] 童冉[2] 曹永慧[2] 赵亚敏[2,4]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:artificial climate chamber;negative air ion;subtropical tree species;leaf traits


摘要:[目的]比较分析不同树种的生理特性差异及其对空气负离子(NAI)浓度影响,为探究森林植被对NAI作用机理提供理论依据。[方法] 2018年6—9月,在中国林科院亚热带林业研究所人工气候室内,分别对6个典型亚热带树种NAI效应进行连续定位监测,选择无植株的土盆作为空白对照,并对各树种叶片形态特征、叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素含量等性状特征进行测定和分析。[结果]人工气候室放入植株后,NAI浓度均极显著高于对照组( P <0.01);植株NAI浓度由高到低依次为:红豆杉(876 ion·cm^-3 )>枫香(828 ion·cm^-3 )>杉木(733 ion·cm^-3 )>榉树(685 ion·cm^-3 )>青冈(677 ion·cm^-3 )>闽楠(665 ion·cm ^-3 )>对照(345 ion·cm ^-3 )。总体而言,针叶树种NAI效应显著大于阔叶树种( P <0.05),落叶阔叶树种NAI效应显著大于常绿阔叶树种( P =0.05)。NAI浓度同树种叶尖数、叶片含水量和叶面积均呈极显著正相关关系( P <0.01),与叶生物量显著正相关( P <0.05),与叶绿素a/叶绿素b显著负相关( P <0.05)。比较阔叶树种可得出,叶厚度及叶片长宽比与NAI浓度呈显著负相关( P <0.05),与大多数叶绿素荧光参数指标呈极显著正相关( P <0.01)。[结论]试验树种显著提高空气负离子(NAI)浓度,树种间NAI效应存在差异,针叶树种NAI效应高于阔叶树种,落叶阔叶树种NAI效应高于常绿阔叶树种。叶片形态、叶尖数和光合荧光生理特性等是造成树种间NAI效应差异的重要原因。
[Objective] To compare and analyze the differences of physiological characteristics of different tree species and their effects on negative air ion (NAI) concentration in order to provide references for studying the mechanism of forest vegetation acting on NAI.[Method] The NAI effect of six typical subtropical tree species was monitored continuously in artificial climate room located in Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, from June to September, 2018. The soil basin without plant was selected as blank control, and the characteristics of leaf morphology, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and chlorophyll content of each tree species were also measured.[Result] The concentration of NAI in the artificial climate chamber was significantly different from that in the control group (P <0.01). The results of daily mean value showed that the order of NAI concentration from high to low was: Taxus chinensis var. mairei (876 ion· cm ^-3 )> Liquidambar formosana (828 ion·cm^-3 )> Cunninghamia lanceolata (733 ion·cm^-3 )> Zelkova serrata (685 ion·cm^-3 )> Quercus aliena (677 ion·cm ^-3 )> Phoebe bournei (665 ion·cm ^-3 )> control (345 ion·cm^-3 ). On the whole, the NAI effect of coniferous tree species was significantly higher than that of broadleaved tree species (P <0.05) and the deciduous broadleaved tree species was significantly higher than that of evergreen broadleaved tree species ( P <0.05). A comprehensive comparison of six tree species showed that NAI concentration was positively correlated with the number of leaf tips, leaf water content and leaf area ( P <0.01), the effect of leaf biomass had a significant positive correlation ( P <0.05). There was a significantly negative correlation between chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ( P <0.05). Comparing broadleaved tree species, it was found that NAI concentration had a significantly negative correlation with leaf thickness and leaf length and width ratio ( P <0.05) while had a very significantly positive correlation with most chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (P <0.01).[Conclusion] The concentration of negative ions in the air was significantly increased by plants, and the NAI effect was different among tree species. The NAI effect of coniferous tree species is higher than that of broadleaved tree species, and the NAI effect of deciduous broadleaved tree species is higher than that of evergreen broadleaved tree species. Leaf morphology, leaf tip number and photosynthetic fluorescence physiological characteristics are important reasons for the difference of NAI effect among tree species.



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