基于红外热成像的核桃冠层温度测量不确定性分析 ( EI收录)
Uncertainty Analysis of Walnut Canopy Temperature Measurement Based on Thermal Infrared Imaging
英文题名:Uncertainty Analysis of Walnut Canopy Temperature Measurement Based on Thermal Infrared Imaging
作者:孙圣[1] 张劲松[1,2] 孟平[1,2] 汪贵斌[2] 尹昌君[1] 王鑫梅[1]
通信作者:Zhang, Jinsong
外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
外文关键词:walnut;thermal infrared imaging;canopy temperature;uncertainty
摘要:为了探究和量化利用红外热成像系统进行核桃冠层温度测量过程中所产生的不确定性,利用A310f型红外热像仪在核桃园区对样本树冠层进行为期20 d的高频连续观测,对样本树进行了不同方向(东、西、南、北)和不同高度角(10°、30°、45°、60°、80°)的冠层温度测量。首先,对5个重要参数的敏感性进行分析,发现冠层温度受叶片辐射率(ε leaf )影响最大,受环境反射温度( T refl )影响次之,受空气温度( T a )和空气相对湿度( R H )影响较小,对距离( D )变化不敏感。其次,对3棵样本树与4个方向的冠层温度进行双因素方差分析,结果表明,各方向之间达到了显著性水平( P <0.05),进一步通过多重比较确定了南、北两个方向存在显著性差异( P <0.05),其他各方向之间差异不显著。对不同高度角的分析表明,5个高度角之间不存在显著的温度差异。然后,通过温度廓线法直接观察到冠层外部温度高于内部温度,同时,温度频数直方图反映出像素点呈现双峰分布特征,冠层像素点的峰值温度为25.1℃。最后,对冠层内外温度进行方差分析,结果表明,两者之间存在极显著性差异( P <0.01)。
In order to explore and quantify the uncertainty caused by the thermal infrared imaging system for the measurement of walnut canopy temperature,the A310 f thermal imager was used to perform a highfrequency and continuous observation of the canopy temperature of three sample trees for 20 days in the walnut plantation. During the period,the canopy temperature was measured in different directions( east,west,south and north) and at different angles( 10°,30°,45°,60° and 80°). First of all,the sensitivity analysis of five important parameters showed that the canopy temperature was most affected by leaf emissivity(εleaf),followed by the ambient reflection temperature( Trefl),and was less affected by air temperature( Ta) and air relative humidity( RH). It was not sensitive to distance( D) changes. Then,two-way analysis of variance was performed between the canopy temperature of three sample trees and four directions. The results showed that there was a significant level( P < 0. 05) between the directions,and the difference between the samples was not significant. Further,through multiple comparison methods,significant differences( P < 0. 05) were found between the south and the north directions,and the differences between the other directions were not significant. Analysis of the different angles showed that there was no significant temperature difference between the five angles. The external temperature of the canopy was higher than the internal temperature of the canopy that was directly observed by profile gradient method. The temperature frequency histogram reflected the bimodal distribution characteristic of the pixel points,and the peak temperature of the canopy pixel was 25. 1℃. Finally,the analysis of variance was performed on the temperature from inside and outside of the canopy. The results showed that there was an extremely significant difference( P < 0. 01) between them,and the external temperature of the canopy reached the maximum value at 13: 00. In summary,the uncertainty analysis of canopy temperature would provide a theoretical basis for reducing measurement error and improving measurement accuracy.