英文题名:Effects of Urban Riparian Plants’ Color on Visual Fatigue
作者:张昶[1,2,3] 韩文静[1,2,3] 王成[1,2,3]
外文期刊名:Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry
外文关键词:urban riparian belt;color patches'characteristics;visual fatigue;structural equation model(SEM);Chaobai River
摘要:文章以潮白河为研究对象,选取完全人工与半自然2种类型河岸带的河段,在河段左右岸各设置直线距离1 km长的样段,利用无人机在夏季和秋季进行拍摄取样,共计提取168个图像样本。通过眼动仪获取样本的眼动数据、视觉吸引点位置,选择瞳孔直径(Pupil diameter,PD)和注视点总个数(Fixation points,FP)指标衡量视觉疲劳;定义颜色种类分类区间,对样本进行色彩解析,共计得到4个色系154401个色彩斑块;以各色系总面积A、数量N及其与视觉吸引点的平均欧式距离HD构建组成变量,按照"各色系组成变量→视觉疲劳"的概念关系进行结构方程模型(Structural equation modeling,SEM)分析。结果表明:1)瞳孔直径对城镇河岸带植物景观橙色系斑块的响应明显,随着橙色系整体作用增强,瞳孔直径增大,人眼的视觉疲劳增加;而注视点总数对黄色系、黄绿色系、绿色系斑块响应明显,随着黄色系、黄绿色系、绿色系整体作用增强,注视点总个数显著增加,视觉疲劳能够得到缓解。2)城镇河岸植物景观橙色系斑块、绿色系斑块面积增加,黄色系、黄绿色系斑块面积减少,以及橙色系、黄色系、黄绿色系斑块数量的增加和绿色系斑块数量的减少能够缓解人眼的视觉疲劳。3)视觉热点远离黄色系、黄绿色系斑块,靠近橙色系、绿色系斑块时,人眼视觉疲劳得到缓解。基于此结果,建议保护河岸带植物及其生境,维系成片的绿色基调景观,并考虑crispening效应(色貌现象),适当增加橙色系植物面积。
This study selects two sections along the Chaobai River,which include both artificial and semi-natural riparian belts,and then set 4 transects with 1km length on the left and right side of two sections.UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle)is used to take images in summer and autumn,and a total of 168 picture samples are extracted.Then the visual tracking experiment is carried out with these picture samples and eye tracker to obtain eye movement data and visual attraction points.The indexes of pupil diameter(PD)and total fixation points(FP)are selected to measure the visual fatigue.Then,the colors of each picture sample are interpreted based on the customized color classification categories,and a total of 154401 color patches belonging to 4 color series are obtained.The amounts of color patches(N),the sum area of color patches(A),the average Euclidean distance of patches to visual attraction point(HD)of each color series are used to set up the composition variables to build the structural equation models and make analysis in accordance with"composition variables of each color series→visual fatigue.The results showed that:1)the pupil diameter has significant response to orange series in the plant landscape of urban riparian belts,and as the orange series enhance,the pupil diameter will enlarge and the visual fatigue will increase,while the total amount of fixation points has obvious response to the yellow,yellow green and green series,and as the yellow,yellow green and green series have the enhanced effect,the amount of fixation points will increase and the visual fatigue will be much lessened;2)When orange and green series patches along the riparian belts increase in sum area and the yellow and yellow green series patches decreased in sum area,the visual fatigue will alleviate,while the orange,yellow and yellow green series patches rise in amount and the green series'sum area reduce,the visual fatigue will be lessened;and 3)When the visual attraction points are away from the yellow and yellow green patches,the visual fatigue alleviate if approaching the orange and green patches.Based on the results,we suggest that it should protect riparian vegetation and its habitats for maintaining a green fundamental visual scenery,and at the same time increase the sum area of orange and yellow series plants by applying crispening effect.