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南亚热带3种常绿阔叶次生林的生物量结构和固碳现状     被引量:13

Biomass Structure and Carbon Storage in Three Evergreen Broad-leaved Secondary Forests in Low Subtropical China



英文题名:Biomass Structure and Carbon Storage in Three Evergreen Broad-leaved Secondary Forests in Low Subtropical China

作者:徐伟强[1] 周璋[1] 赵厚本[1] 骆土寿[1] 张霞[1] 李健容[1] 徐大平[1] 李意德[1]








外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences





外文关键词:evergreen broad-leaved forest;;biomass;;carbon storage;;carbon sequestration capacity;;Guangzhou


摘要:相对准确地计量地带性森林碳库大小是估算区域森林碳汇潜力的前提。选择我国南亚热带地区受生态公益林保护近三四十年的3种常绿阔叶次生林:鹿角锥(Castanopsislamontii)+木荷(Schimasuperba)次生林(简称为LJZ)、华润楠(Machiluschinensis)+小红栲(C.carlesii)+黄杞(Engelhardtiaroxburghiana)次生林(简称为HRN)、罗浮栲(C.faberi)+木荷+黎蒴(C.fissa)次生林(简称为LFK),开展完整的植被生物量和土壤碳库调查,并对其碳库结构进行分析。结果表明,(1)鹿角锥+木荷林、华润楠+小红栲+黄杞林、罗浮栲+木荷+黎蒴林植被总生物量分别为235.0、231.0、261.9 t·hm^(-2),0~100cm土壤碳库分别为126.6、148.1、104.6 t·hm^(-2);采用0.45植物含碳率计算生物量碳库,则整个生态系统碳库分别为232.4、252.1、222.5 t·hm-2。(2)3种次生林总生物量的组成中,乔木层生物量比例最大,介于87%~93%,接下来为枯死木生物量比例,灌木层、草本层、凋落物层和细根(≤2 mm)的生物量比例大多在1%~2%之间。(3)3种林型乔木层生物量胸径级分布存在差异,其中,鹿角锥+木荷林和罗浮栲+木荷+黎蒴林近似正态分布,最大比例胸径级为15~20 cm,分别占总生物量的30%和36%。华润楠+小红栲+黄杞林则表现为随胸径级增加比例增大的趋势,其最大比例胸径级为35 cm以上,占总生物量的37%。(4)3种林型乔木层生物量不同组分比例大小顺序一致,即树干>树根>树枝>树叶,且同一组分在不同林型所占比例相差较小,树干、树枝、树叶和树根比例分别约为46%、19%、3%和32%。(5)参照南亚热带顶极演替阶段季风常绿阔叶林,该研究的3种次生林碳汇潜力主要在植被固碳上,而土壤固碳潜力有限。该研究全面地计量了我国南亚热带地区3种不同群落组成的常绿阔叶次生林碳库现状,这对评估该地区较大面积的仍受干扰的次生林、低效改造林和新造乡土树种混交林等低效森林未来几十年的固碳潜力具有重要参考价值。
To accurately measure carbon pools of zonal forests is one step to estimate the carbon sequestration capacity of forests in one region.Therefore,a study of the vegetation biomass and soil carbon pool in three evergreen broad-leaved secondary forests was conducted in low subtropical China.The three forests were Castanopsislamontii + Schima superb forest(LJZ),Machiluschinensis +Castanopsiscarlesii + Engelhardtiaroxburghiana forest(HRN),and Castanopsisfaberi + S.superba + Castanopsisfissa forest(LFK).These forests,called ecological forests,were protected from commercial use and human disturbance for about thirty or forty years.Our research shows that:(1) The vegetation biomass of LJZ,HRN and LFK forests were 235.0,231.0,and 261.9 t·hm^(-2),respectively,and the corresponding soil carbon pools in 0~100 cm depth were 126.6,148.1,and 104.6 t·hm^(-2).In the study,we converted vegetation biomass to carbon pool by the carbon concentration of plants:0.45,and then the respective ecosystem carbon storage were232.4,252.1 and 222.5 t·hm^(-2) for LJZ,HRN and LFK forests.(2) The largest factions of biomass in the three secondary forests were tree layers(from 87%to 93%),and the following were the dead woods.The fractions of biomass for shrub layer,herb layer,aboveground litter and fine roots(<2 mm) were mostly 1%~2%.(3) The patterns of tree biomass for diameter at breast height(DBH)classes were different in the three forests.LJZ and LFK forests were approximately normal distribution with the largest fraction in DBH 15~20 cm class.But HRN showed a pattern that the biomass fractions increased with increasing DBH class,and the largest fraction was in DBH >35cm.(4) The fractions of biomass for tree components were in the same order:trunk > root > branch > leaf.The differences of fractions for each tree component were very little among the three forests,and the average fractions were about46%,19%,3%and 32%for trunk,branch,leaf and root,respectively.(5) Comparing to one subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest,the carbon sequestration capacity of the three secondary forests were mainly in vegetation biomass,and the carbon sequestration capacity of soil was limited.The total carbon storages in the three evergreen board-leaved secondary forests with different community were measured in our study.These results are helpful to estimate the carbon sequestration capacity for the human-disturbing secondary forests,low-efficient forest and native tree species plantations in low subtropical China for the next several decades.



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