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Robust galactomannan/graphene oxide film with ultra-flexible, gas barrier and self-clean properties  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:14


英文题名:Robust galactomannan/graphene oxide film with ultra-flexible, gas barrier and self-clean properties

作者:Huang, Chen[1,2,3] Fang, Guigan[1,2] Deng, Yongjun[1] Bhagia, Samarthya[3,5] Meng, Xianzhi[3] Tao, Yuheng[2] Yong, Qiang[2] Ragauskas, Arthur J.[3,4,5]

第一作者:黄晨;Huang, Chen

通信作者:Ragauskas, AJ[1];Fang, GG[2]|[a000589b6171897e30b38]房桂干;

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, Jiangsu Prov Key Lab Biomass Energy & Mat, Inst Chem Ind Forest Prod, Nanjing 210042, Peoples R China;[2]Nanjing Forestry Univ, Coinnovat Ctr Efficient Proc & Utilizat Forest Re, Nanjing 210037, Peoples R China;[3]Univ Tennessee, Dept Chem & Biomol Engn, Knoxville, IN 37996 USA;[4]Univ Tennessee, Inst Agr, Ctr Renewable Carbon, Dept Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries, Knoxville, IN 37996 USA;[5]Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Biosci Div, UTK ORNL Joint Inst Biol Sci, Oak Ridge, IN 37831 USA





基金:This work was supported by the Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Biomass Energy and Materials (JSBEM-S-202004), the Innovative Ability Enhancement Project for R&D Team of ICIFP, CAF (LHSXKQ8) and the Fundamental Research Funds of CAF "Enhancing Project in the Field of Wood Composite Materials and Chemical Resources Utilization" (CAFYBB2017ZX003-08).


外文关键词:Galactomannan; Graphene oxide; Natural nacre; Food packaging

摘要:This study examines a facile technology to manufacture food packaging alternatives with superior mechanical, ultra-flexible, gas barrier and self-cleaning properties, based on green and benign starting materials. A novel galactomannan (GM) was isolated from the Sesbania cannabina seeds, which was used as a matrix for the fabrication of GM-based films. Inspired by the brick-and-mortar structure of natural nacre, a facile method was adopted to fabricate an artificial nacre based on the self-assembly of GM and borate crosslinked graphene oxide (GO). These GM/GO composites are ultra-flexible, which can be folded into various shapes. The tensile strength reached 135.54 MPa which is 2.40 times that of the pure GM film. In addition, after coating with the poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), these films became hydrophobic (WCA around 120 degrees) with self-cleaning properties. Our study further revealed that the oxygen and water vapor permeabilities were improved with the introduction of GO and PDMS coating.



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