沙县苦竹笋外观、营养和食味品质变异的海拔效应 被引量:21
Effects of altitude on the variation of appearance,nutrition,and taste for bamboo shoots of Pleioblastus amarus in Shaxian,Fujian Province
英文题名:Effects of altitude on the variation of appearance,nutrition,and taste for bamboo shoots of Pleioblastus amarus in Shaxian,Fujian Province
作者:郭子武[1] 杨丽婷[1] 林华[2] 陈双林[1] 杨清平[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology
外文关键词:Pleioblastus amarus;altitude;bamboo shoot;quality variation
摘要:为了探究不同海拔生境苦竹笋品质的差异,为苦竹高品质竹笋高效培育提供理论依据,测定了3个海拔(190±20、380±20、600±20 m)苦竹笋的外观品质、营养品质和食味品质指标。结果表明:随海拔的升高,苦竹笋个体重量、基径、长度和可食率总体上呈下降趋势,中、低海拔显著高于高海拔;竹笋蛋白质、纤维素、木质素含量随海拔的升高先下降后升高,而脂肪和淀粉含量先升高后下降,其中,蛋白质含量低海拔显著高于中、高海拔,纤维素、木质素含量低、中海拔显著低于高海拔,淀粉含量则相反,脂肪含量不同海拔间差异显著;竹笋可溶性糖含量和糖酸比随海拔的升高先升高后下降,单宁、草酸和总酸含量先下降后升高,其中,可溶性糖含量和糖酸比中、低海拔显著高于高海拔,草酸和总酸含量则显著低于高海拔,海拔对竹笋单宁含量影响不显著;总氨基酸、氨基酸组分含量与比例均随海拔的升高先下降后升高,总氨基酸、氨基酸组分含量中海拔显著低于低、高海拔,但芳香类氨基酸比例显著高于低、高海拔,其他氨基酸比例不同海拔间无显著差异。研究表明,海拔对苦竹笋外观、营养和食味品质有较明显的影响,试验区中、低海拔苦竹笋品质较佳。
To clarify the difference of shoot quality from different altitudes and provide theoretical guidance to the management of Pleioblastus amarus forest for producing high-quality shoots,we analyzed the appearance,nutrition,and taste of bamboo shoots from three altitudes( 190±20 m,380±20 m,600 ± 20 m). The results showed that with increasing altitude,individual weight,diameter,length,and edible rate of shoots generally decreased. Those parameters of bamboo shoots from low and middle altitudes were better than that from high altitude. In addition,the contents of protein,cellulose,and lignin in bamboo shoots first decreased and then increased,while fat and starch contents changed in an opposite trend. Protein content in shoots from low altitude was obviously higher than that from middle and high altitudes. The cellulose and lignin content in shoots from low and middle altitudes was lower than that from high altitude,while starch content changed in an opposite trend. The fat content significantly differed among the three altitudes. Moreover,with increasing altitude,soluble sugar content and sugar to acid ratio increased at first and then decreased,while the contents of tannin,oxalic acid,total acids decreased at first and then increased. Soluble sugar content and sugar to acid ratio of shoots from low and middle altitudes were significantly higher than that from high altitude,while oxalic acid and total acid contents of the two formers was obviously lower than that of the latter. There was no significant difference in tannin content among the three altitudes. Moreover,the contents of total amino acids and components and their proportions fell at first and then rose. The contents of total amino acids and components of shoots from middle altitude were lower than those from low and high altitudes,while the proportion of aromatic amino acid was higher. Our results indicate that altitude greatly influences shoot appearance,nutrition and taste,and that the shoots from low and middle altitudes have more favorable quality.