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提拉式苎麻剥麻机的设计     被引量:7

Design of the lifting ramie decorticator



英文题名:Design of the lifting ramie decorticator

作者:谭新建[1] 郭克君[2,3] 张殿松[1] 苏宁[2] 满大为[2] 袁小军[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forestry Engineering





外文关键词:ramie;ramie decorticator;lifting;split ramie;design


Ramie, also known as “Chinese grass”, a traditional crop in China, has a long cultivation history. However, in recent years, due to the increasing labor cost and the difficulty of machining ramie, the planting area of ramie has been reduced dramatically, making the ramie industry facing a crisis. Through industrial investigations, it was found that the existing ramie decorticators have a number of problems, such as low working efficiency, high labor intensity and poor quality of stripped ramie, which seriously hinders the development of the ramie industry. On the ba sis of analyzing the characteristics of various ramie decorticators and the practical needs of the farmers, this study pro posed a transverse and longitudinal splitting lift way of peeling ramie and designed the lifting ramie decorticator. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the existing ramie decorticators, the design scheme of longitudinal splitting and transverse pulling was decided. Firstly, the structure and working principle of the whole ramie decorticator were intro duced and the guiding device, chopping knife, lifting device, control system and structure diagram were designed and analyzed using the three dimensional software. Because the splitting process directly affected the quality of ramie strip ping, this paper mainly analyzed the design principle of each part of chopping knife, investigated the effects of the thickness, edge angle and cut in angle on the splitting knife and the effect of splitting, carried out the finite element a nalysis and determined the location of maximum stress and strain. In addition, this paper compared different ship types of heads, positioning tips and unfolding wings to obtain the optimal scheme. According to the size and mechanical properties of ramie stalk, the angle and deflection of split and unfolded ramie were calculated. The angle and diameter of arm for lifting ramie were determined, and the control system of ramie lifting and scraping was designed according to the speed requirement of ramie splitting and ramie lifting. Finally, the prototype was tested, and the results showed that the ramie bone was separated from phloem fiber by massive strips and the lifting ramie decorticator reached the expected design targets and the yield of fresh ramie was 4.6%, dirt percentage was 1.4%, primary ramie productivity was 12 kg/ h. So the labor intensity was effectively reduced.



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