赤峰市松山区土地利用动态变化及其原因分析 被引量:28
Analysis on Land Use Change and Its Driving Factors in Songshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
英文题名:Analysis on Land Use Change and Its Driving Factors in Songshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
外文期刊名:Arid Zone Research
基金:国家"十五"科技攻关重大专项课题"生态农业技术体系研究与示范"( 2 0 0 2BA5 16A17-14 );国家林业局林业科学技术研究项目"半干旱区主要防护林类型营造技术研究与示范"( 2 0 0 3 -0 61-L61)资助
外文关键词:LUCC; stability of land use type; driving factor; Songshan District; Inner Mongolia.
摘要:以TM遥感资料为信息源 ,利用 3S技术手段 ,对内蒙古自治区赤峰市松山区 1987,1993,2 0 0 0年的土地利用变化进行了分析。结果表明 ,在不同年度内 ,其主要的土地利用类型为耕地、草地和林地。土地利用类型的总量变化也以这 3种土地利用类型和建设用地变化最大。而从年变化速率看 ,1987- 2 0 0 0年 ,以建设用地的增加和未利用土地类型的减少最为快速。从土地利用类型转化的方向看 ,以耕地、草地和林地相互之间的转化最为频繁。从土地利用类型的空间稳定性看 ,耕地的稳定性最高 ,其次为草地 ;而最不稳定的土地利用类型为未利用土地。利用相关分析所作的土地利用变化动因显示 ,该地区土地利用变化的驱动因素主要是社会与经济因素 ,其中以总人口、农业总产值、粮食作物产量总计、农牧民人均纯收入、化肥使用面积和化肥实物量等因子的作用最大 ,而自然因素对该地区土地利用变化的影响极小。
Land use/cover change (LUCC) is a very important research field in global change research. Thus, many researches on LUCC have been carried out in recent years. Chifeng City is located in an agriculture-pasture ecotone in north China, so the research on LUCC is of significance in revealing the information of environment change. In this paper, 3 maps of LUCC in Chifeng City in 1987, 1993 and 2000 are charted by combing TM images with field investigation. Based on these maps, the land use change in the study area is analyzed by the means of GIS. The results show that the farmlands, grasslands and forestlands occupy the main part of the district, in which the proportion of these three land use types varies in a range of 93.91%~95.29% in recent years. From 1987 to 2000, the areas of farmlands and the lands used for construction were enlarged for 174.8 km2 and 93.45 km2 respectively, whereas the areas of other land use types were reduced, in which the area of grasslands was reduced for 173.84 km2. The annual change rates of the lands used for construction, unused lands and waters are 14.74%, -3.14% and -1.74% respectively. In this process, the change rates of farmlands, grasslands and forestlands are low, which are advantageous for improving the regional environment because the forestlands and grasslands are the main natural and artificial ecosystems in protecting the eco-environment in the study area. In order to discuss the spatial and temporal stability of the different LUCC types, the transition probability method is used in this study. If 50% of a LUCC type can be maintained stable in spatiality in the different time stages, it is considered that this LUCC type has a high stability. From this viewpoint, it is found that the stability of farmlands is the highest, then that of grasslands, and that of the unused lands is the lowest. The causes of land use change are explored by using correlative analysis, and the results show that the effects of natural factors (the annual precipitation and temperature are mainly referred to in this paper) on the land use change are low. Among the driving factors, the social-economic factors, such as the population, gross production value of agriculture, crop yield, net income of farmers and herdsmen, and area and quantity of applied chemical fertilizers, are dominant in LUCC.