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6个杂交杏李品种开花的生物学特性     被引量:2

Flowering biological characteristics of 6 Prunusdomestica×armeniaca varieties



英文题名:Flowering biological characteristics of 6 Prunusdomestica×armeniaca varieties

作者:刘亚心[1] 张嘉嘉[1] 杨绍彬[1] 唐骏[2] 王迎迎[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)





外文关键词:P.domestica×armeniaca;flowering phenophase;flower organ characteristics;pollen characteristics


摘要:【目的】系统了解杂交杏李(Prunus domestica×armeniaca)开花的生物学特性,为杏李育种改良及高效栽培提供理论支持。【方法】以杂交杏李6个主栽品种风味玫瑰、恐龙蛋、味帝、风味皇后、味王和味厚为试验材料,观测其开花物候期,并观测花冠直径、花瓣数、花瓣形状、花瓣颜色、花瓣纵横径、花药数、花丝长度、花柱长度、花萼颜色、有效花率及雌蕊退化率等花器官特征,同时利用光学显微镜测量花粉长度、宽度等指标,使用纤维素酶法测定花粉量,最后通过离体萌发法测定花粉活力及花粉萌发力。【结果】6个杂交杏李品种的开花期主要在3月上旬至中旬,各品种间开花物候进程存在明显差异,变异系数为0.20~0.51,以初花期变异系数最大,开花最早的风味玫瑰与最晚品种味厚时间相差11 d。6个品种的花瓣均为5瓣,呈白色椭圆形,花冠直径为17.48~20.95 mm,单花花药数为27.10~35.45枚/蕾,花丝长度为3.28~6.18 mm,花柱长度为4.72~9.33 mm,花萼颜色多为绿色,花药颜色多为暗黄色。在花粉特征方面,风味玫瑰花粉粒长度显著大于其他品种,为46.71μm;味王的花粉粒宽度最大,为26.97μm,味帝的花粉粒长度和宽度均小于其他5个品种,分别为27.13和13.34μm。单花药花粉量最大的品种是风味玫瑰,最小的品种是味帝。花粉活力最强的品种是恐龙蛋,最弱的品种是味帝,花粉管长度在0.32~2.03 mm。【结论】不同品种杂交杏李开花的生物学特性存在明显差异,生产上建议选择开花物候期相似且花粉活力高的品种搭配种植,以提高坐果率和产量。
【Objective】This study systematically investigated flowering biological characteristics of hybrid apricot varieties(Prunus domestica×armeniaca)to provide support for breeding improvement and efficient cultivation.【Method】The flowering phenology of 6 P.domestica×armeniaca varities of Fengweimeigui,Konglongdan,Weidi,Fengweihuanghou,Weiwang and Weihou was observed.The floral organ characteristics including corolla diameter,petal number,petal shape,petal color,petal longitudinal and transverse diameter,anther number,filament length,style length,calyx color,effective flower rate and pistil degradation rate were counted.The length and width of pollen were measured by optical microscope.The pollen amount was determined by cellulase method.Finally,pollen viability and pollen germination capacity were determined by in vitro germination method.【Result】The flowering period of 6 P.domestica×armeniaca varieties was mainly from early March to mid-March.There were significant differences in the flowering phenological process among varieties with variation coefficients of 0.20-0.51.The initial flowering stage had the largest variation coefficient and the time difference between the earliest variety Fengweimeigui and the latest variety Weihou was 11 days.All 6 varieties had 5 petals in white oval shape with corolla diameter of 17.48-20.95 mm,single anther number of 27.10-35.45/bud,filament length of 3.28-6.18 mm,and style length of 4.72-9.33 mm.Calyx color was green,and anther color was dark yellow.The length of pollen grains of Fengweimeigui(46.71μm)was significantly longer than that of other varieties.The maximum width of pollen grains of Weiwang was 26.97μm.The length and width of pollen grains of Weidi were 27.13 and 13.34μm,smaller than those of other 5 varieties.The variety with the largest pollen amount per anther was Fengweimeigui,while the variety with the smallest pollen amount was Weidi.The cultivar with the strongest pollen viability was Konglongdan,and the cultivar with the weakest pollen viability was Weidi.The pollen tube length was 0.32-2.03 mm.【Conclusion】The flowering biological characteristics of different P.domestica×armeniaca varieties were significantly different.It is suggested that varieties with similar flowering phenology and high pollen vitality should be selected for planting to improve fruit setting rate and yield.



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