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Effects of nitrogen addition on root morphology and nutrient content of roots and leaves of leguminous seedlings with different nitrogen requirements



英文题名:Effects of nitrogen addition on root morphology and nutrient content of roots and leaves of leguminous seedlings with different nitrogen requirements

作者:董佳乐[1,2] 许涵[1] 解亚鑫[1] 陈洁[1] 李艳朋[1] 雷婕[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology





外文关键词:tropical rainforest;legume;soil inorganic nitrogen;root morphology trait;nutrient status


摘要:为揭示氮添加对不同氮需求豆科植物幼苗的影响,以海南热带雨林3种不同氮生境偏好的豆科植物——低氮需求的长脐红豆(Ormosia balansae)、中氮需求的荔枝叶红豆(Ormosia semicastrata f.litchifolia)和高氮需求的猴耳环(Archidendron clypearia)幼苗为研究对象,设置5种氮添加水平(0、75、150、300和600 mg·kg^(-1))盆栽试验,观测它们根系形态性状与根叶器官养分含量的响应特征。结果表明:(1)氮添加水平的升高显著降低了低氮需求(长脐红豆)和中氮需求(荔枝叶红豆)豆科物种的总根长、总根表面积和根系干重,而对高氮需求(猴耳环)豆科物种的根系形态性状无影响。(2)相关性分析表明,在不同氮添加水平下,低氮需求的长脐红豆和中氮需求的荔枝叶红豆总根长、总根表面积、根系干重与根际土壤硝态氮、铵态氮浓度呈显著负相关。(3)氮添加仅对低氮和中氮需求豆科物种的根叶养分含量具有促进作用,而对高氮需求物种的根叶养分含量无显著影响。具体而言,氮添加显著增加了低氮需求的豆科物种(长脐红豆)叶片和根系的全氮含量,而对中氮需求的豆科物种(荔枝叶红豆)叶片和根系的氮、磷含量均有促进作用。综上所述,氮添加对豆科植物的影响因氮需求的不同以及氮添加水平而存在差异,一方面显著抑制低氮需求和中氮需求的豆科植物的根系形态性状的生长,促进了两者根叶氮、磷含量的增加,另一方面对高氮需求的豆科植物根系形态性状无影响,且仅促进了根系氮含量。未来关于氮沉降对豆科植物的化学计量特征以及群落动态变化的研究,有必要充分考虑豆科植物的自身不同特性。
We examined the effects of nitrogen addition on the seedlings of three leguminous species with different nitrogen requirements in tropical rainforest of Hainan,including Ormosia balancae with low nitrogen requirement,Ormosia semicastrata f.litchifolia with medium nitrogen requirement,and Archidendron clypearia with high nitrogen requirement.A pot experiment with five nitrogen addition levels(0,75,150,300 and 600 mg·kg^(-1))was conducted.Responses of root morphological traits and nutrient content of root and leaf were investigated.The results showed that:(1)Increasing nitrogen addition levels significantly reduced total root length,total root surface area,and root dry weight of the leguminous species with low nitrogen demand(O.balansae)and medium nitrogen demand(O.semicastrata f.litchifolia),but did not affect that of leguminous species with high nitrogen demand(A.clypearia).(2)The correlation analysis showed that total root length,total root surface area,and root dry weight of O.balansae and O.semicastrata were significantly negatively correlated with nitrate and ammonium concentrations in rhizosphere soil.(3)Nitrogen addition had positive effects on the nutrient content of roots and leaves of leguminous species with low and medium nitrogen demands,but did not affect that of high nitrogen demand species.Specifically,nitrogen addition significantly increased the total nitrogen content of leaves and roots of leguminous species with low nitrogen demand(O.balancae),while nitrogen and phosphorus content in the leaves and roots of legumes with medium nitrogen demand(O.semicastrata f.litchifolia)were promoted.In summary,the effects of nitrogen addition on leguminous plants depended on plant nitrogen demands and nitrogen addition levels.Nitrogen addition significantly inhibited root growth of legumes with low and medium nitrogen demands,and enhanced N and P contents of roots and leaves.In contrast,nitrogen addition had no effects on root morphological traits of legumes with high nitrogen demand,and only promoted root N content.It is necessary to fully consider the characteristics of leguminous plants when examining the effects of nitrogen deposition on stoichiometric characteristics of legume species and community dynamics.



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