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基于稳定同位素和热扩散技术的张北杨树水分关系差异     被引量:17

Difference of water relationships of poplar trees in Zhangbei County,Hebei,China based on stable isotope and thermal dissipation method



英文题名:Difference of water relationships of poplar trees in Zhangbei County,Hebei,China based on stable isotope and thermal dissipation method

作者:苗博[1,2] 孟平[1,2] 张劲松[1,2] 何方杰[1,2] 孙守家[1,2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:Populus simonii; stable hydrogen isotope; water source; sap flow; tree dieback.


摘要:利用稳定氢同位素和热扩散技术研究张北防护林杨树的水分来源和蒸腾耗水,分析确定未退化与退化杨树的水分关系差异.结果表明:在生长季节中退化杨树主要利用0~30 cm土壤水分,未退化杨树主要利用30~80 cm土壤水分,两者的水分来源不同.旱季时,未退化杨树利用深层土壤水分和地下水的比例明显高于退化杨树.雨季中,杨树对0~30 cm土壤水分的利用比例增加,退化杨树增加幅度明显高于未退化杨树,对30~180 cm土壤水分的利用比例均减少.未退化杨树的液流速率大于退化杨树,不同天气中液流速率表现出相似的变化趋势,但未退化杨树液流的启动时间比退化杨树早.相关分析表明,未退化和退化杨树液流速率与土壤温度、风速、太阳辐射、相对湿度、空气温度均呈极显著的相关关系.退化杨树液流速率与土壤温度和空气相对湿度呈极显著负相关,与其他因素呈显著正相关,而未退化杨树仅与空气相对湿度呈极显著负相关,与其他因素均呈显著正相关关系,表明退化和未退化杨树蒸腾耗水易受环境条件的影响.退化杨树液流日累计量明显小于未退化杨树,表明其蒸腾耗水量较少;退化杨树水分来源浅,蒸腾耗水的减少并不能阻止林分退化.
The water sources and transpiration of poplar trees in Zhangbei County were measured using stable hydrogen isotope and thermal dissipation method. The differences in water relationships between dieback and non-dieback poplar trees were analyzed. The results showed that the dieback trees mainly used shallow water from 0-30 cm soil layer during growing season while the non-die- back trees mainly used water from 30-80 cm soil layer. There was a significant difference in water source between them. The non-dieback trees used more water from middle and deep soil layers than that of the dieback trees during the dry season. The percentage of poplar trees using water from 0- 30 cm soil layer increased in wet season, and the increase of dieback trees was higher than that of non-dieback trees. The contributions of water from 30-180 cm soil layer of dieback and non-diebaek trees both decreased in wet season. The sap flow rate of non-dieback trees was higher than that of dieback trees. There was a similar variation tend of sap flow rate between dieback and non-dieback trees in different weather conditions, but the start time of sap flow of non-dieback trees was earlier than that of dieback trees. Correlation analysis showed that the sap flow rate of either dieback or non-dieback poplar trees strongly related to soil temperature, wind speed, photosynthetically active radiation, relative humidity and air temperature. The sap flow rate of die-back poplar trees strongly negatively related to soil temperature and relative humidity, and strongly positively related to the other factors. The sap flow rate of non-dieback poplar trees only strongly negatively related to rela- tive humidity but positively related to the other factors. The results revealed transpiration of both poplar trees was easily affected by environmental factors. The water consumption of dieback trees was less than non-dieback trees because the cumulative sap flow amount of dieback trees was lower. Reduced transpiration of dieback trees couldn' t help to prevent poplar forest declining due to shal- low water source.



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