春季典型天气下城市街头绿地内大气颗粒物浓度变化特征 被引量:20
Concentration variations of atmospheric particulate matters in street greenbelts under typical weather conditions in spring
英文题名:Concentration variations of atmospheric particulate matters in street greenbelts under typical weather conditions in spring
作者:王晓磊[1] 王成[1] 古琳[1] 王艳英[1] 王茜[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology
外文关键词:typical weather condition; atmospheric particulate matter; concentration; street greenbelt.
Taking Heliekou Leisure Square in Wuxi City as an object, the diurnal concentration variation of atmospheric particulate matters with four diameters in street greenbelts were measured under typical weather conditions in spring. Meanwhile, the influence factors including micro-me- teorological factors and traffic flow were also observed. The results indicated that : ( 1 ) The daily mean concentrations of TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 in street greenbehs under different weather conditions were in order of sunny 〈 cloudy 〈 overcast. The particulate matter concentrations of the four diameters on overcast days were significantly higher than on cloudy and sunny days, and the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM1 on cloudy days were significantly higher than on sunny days. The increment percentages of PM2.5 and PM1 on cloudy and overcast days were far higher than that of the TSP and PM10. (2) During the observation period, atmospheric particulate matter showed obvious diurnal variation under different weather conditions. It was consistent on sunny and cloudy days. Particulate matter concentration of the four diameters all presented one oeak at 7-00 and one valley at 13:00-15:00, and it was higher in morning than in afternoon. On overcast days, it showed an increasing trend with time advancing for the four diameters. Dail) variation of ratios of finer particles and atmospheric partieulate matter eoneentration was eonsistenl on sunny days, while that of both cloudy and overcast days was contrary. (3) The particulale matter concentrations all exceeded the second-class concentration limits of China' s National Am- bient Air Quality Standards except PM2.5 concentration on sunny days. (4) 2.5-10 Ixm particle was the main pollutant on sunny days, being on a slight pollution level, while TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 were the main pollutants on cloudy and overcast days, being on a serious pollution. TSP pollution was mainly consisted of particle size 〈10 μm, PM10 mainly of particle size 〈2.5μm, PM25 mainly of 1-2.5μm. (5) Air relative humidity was the most important factor under humid environment in the studied region. On sunny days, the particulate matter concentrations of the four diameters were significantly negatively eorrelated with wind speed, air temperature, and lighl intensity, and significantly positively correlated with relative humidity and traffic flow. On cloud days, they were signifieantly positively correlated with relative humidity, but significantly nega tively eorrelated with relative humidity on overcast days.