英文题名:A Study on the Tissue Culture of Tara ( Caesalpinia spinosa Kuntze)
外文期刊名:Forest Research
基金:云南省"九五"攻关项目 (95A5 1);国家林业局"94 8"引进项目 (96 4 14 )部分内容
外文关键词:Tara ( Caesalpinia spinosa Kuntze); tissue culture; induced rooting
摘要:用塔拉嫩茎、茎尖、叶片、叶柄作外植体容易诱导形成愈伤组织 ,在MS +BA 1.5mg·L- 1+蔗糖30g·L- 1+琼脂 5 .7g·L- 1培养基上芽苗分化率为 5 0 %。分别以 1/2MS +BA 0 .1mg·L- 1+蔗糖 2 0g·L- 1+琼脂 5 .7g·L- 1和MS +BA 1.5mg·L- 1+IAA 0 .2mg·L- 1+干酪素 1.5g·L- 1+蔗糖 30g·L- 1+琼脂 5 .7g·L- 1作培养基 ,用胚轴诱导芽苗 ,愈伤组织块上的芽苗分化率 79%。芽苗培育约 2 0d后 ,用 1/2MS +NAA 3.0mg·L- 1+IAA 1.0mg·L- 1+KT 0 .5mg·L- 1+蔗糖 15g·L- 1+琼脂 5 .7g·L- 1作生根培养基培养约 15d ,生根率为 76 %。培养条件为 :光照 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0lx ,温度 2 5 2 9℃。
Tara, Caesalpina spinosa Kuntze,distributing naturally in South America,is mainly distributed in the valley area in the middle of the east Andes and in the seashore desert along the Pacific Ocean. The plant was successfully introduced to the xerothermic and semi xerothermic valleys of Yunnan province, China in 1991. This paper deals with the technique of tissue culture of tara. There is rich tannin in tara explant because its tissue culture is very difficulty. Using tender stem, stem needle, leaf or leafstalk act as explant cultivate callus mass to cultivate callus mass and to use MS+BA 1.5 mg·L -1 + cane sugar 30 g·L -1 + gagaragar 5.7 g·L -1 act as sprout polarization culture medium, the percentage of callus mass to sprout is only 50%. Using 1/2 MS+BA 0.1 mg·L -1 +cane sugar 20 g·L -1 + gagaragar 5.7 g·L -1 and MS+BA 1.5 mg·L -1 +IAA 0.2 mg·L -1 + casein 1.5 g·L -1 + cane sugar 30 g·L -1 + gagaragar 5.7 g·L -1 act as culture medium to culture asepsis young seedling 10 days and to culture callus mass about 20 days respectively,there are 79% callus mass that come from hypocotyl can be grows bud plantlets. To culture asepsis bud plantlet about 20 days, Using 1/2 MS+ NAA 3.0 mg·L -1 + IAA 1.0 mg·L -1 + KT 0.5 mg·L -1 + cane sugar 15 g·L -1 + gagaragar 5.7 g·L -1 act as growing root culture medium, the cent of growing root bud plantlet is 76% after 15 days. The experiment condition is that illumination is 2 000 2 500 lx and the temperature is 25 29 ℃.