甘肃民勤地区不同地下水埋深花棒蒸腾耗水研究 被引量:28
Tree-scale transpiration dynamics of Hedysarum scoparium in response to growth stage, groundwater table depth, and climate in a semi-arid environment in northwestern China
英文题名:Tree-scale transpiration dynamics of Hedysarum scoparium in response to growth stage, groundwater table depth, and climate in a semi-arid environment in northwestern China
作者:张志强[1] 王盛萍[1] 贾宝全[2] 赵明[3] E.Klaghofer[4]
机构:[1]北京林业大学水土保持与荒漠化防治教育部重点实验室;[2]中国林业科学研究院林业研究所;[3]甘肃省治沙研究所;[4]The Austrian Federal Institute for Land and Water Management Research
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金:国家"十五"攻关研究资助项目 (2 0 0 2 BA5 17A0 9);国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9990 490 ;3 0 0 70 60 1)~~
外文关键词:Hedysarum scoparium; non-weighing constant water table lysimeter; transpiration; water use
摘要:采用非称重式地下水恒位补偿蒸渗仪稳定供水系统、气候观测、土壤含水量测定等方法 ,研究了 1995年分别定植于地下水埋深为 1.6 m、2 .6 m和 3.6 m蒸渗仪栽培池中的 1年生花棒 (H edysarum scoparium)从 1995年至 2 0 0 0年单株的蒸腾耗水规律。结果表明 :(1)花棒不同生长阶段 (年龄 )蒸腾耗水对地下水埋深具有不同的响应特点。 1年生花棒 2 .6 m和 3.6 m地下水埋深条件下蒸腾量分别比 1.6 m高出 188.35 mm和 113.7mm;4年生花棒蒸腾耗水量比 1年生有显著增长 ,1.6 m、2 .6 m和 3.6 m地下水埋深的花棒蒸腾量分别为 4 4 0 .96 mm、397.78m m和 4 71.88mm ,较 1年生增长了 3.5倍、0 .39倍和 1.2倍 ;6年生各地下水埋深蒸腾量有不同程度的下降或稳定趋势 ,2 .6 m和 3.6 m埋深分别比 4年生下降了 16 .3%和 36 .7% ,而 1.6 m埋深几乎不变 ;(2 )生长季花棒蒸腾耗水占全年蒸腾量的绝大部分 ,但由于受气候、不同生长阶段植物生理生态以及土壤含水量分布等的影响 ,各水位 1年生和 6年生花棒生长季蒸腾耗水主要集中在径生长期 (7~ 8月份 ) ,而 4年生花棒各水位条件下生长季不同阶段蒸腾耗水相差不大 ,同一生长季内各水位间的蒸腾耗相差较小 ;(3)生长季花棒蒸腾耗水量与环境因子单因素关系分析表明 ,不同地下水埋深?
Natural precipitation is often limited and groundwater can be a very important water source for vegetation reestablishment and growth in the dryland regions. Therefore, quantifying water use by plant transpiration under different ground water tables helps to understand responsive mechanism of plant growth to various ground water regimes. One year-old seedlings of Hedysarum scoparium were planted in 1995 and single tree transpiration dynamics under constant water tables of 1.6 m, 2.6 m, and 3.6 m were measured during 1995~2000 using non-weighing constant water table lysimeters. Three replications for the lysimeters with 1.6 m water table depth, and four for lysimeters with 2.6 m and 3.6 m water table depths were employed for transpiration measurement while two replications were used for bared soil evaporation measurements only under each of the three water table depths. Tree transpiration was estimated as the difference between water losses from the lysimeters with tree and without tree. In addition, climatic factors such as precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, sunshine hours, and soil moisture content were measured. This study suggested that transpirations of Hedysarum scoparium varied significantly in response to groundwater table depth and plant ages. For the 1 year old Hedysarum scoparium , annual transpiration water loss under the 2.6m, 3.6m water table cases were estimated as 188.4mm and 113.7 mm higher when the water table depth was set as 2.6m, 3.6m than that when the water table depth was set as 1.6 m, respectively. The transpiration rates of the 4 year old trees under the 1.6m, 2.6 m, and 3.6m water table condition were 441.0 mm, 397.8 mm, and 471.9 mm respectively. When compared to the 1 year old trees under the same water table conditions, these transpiration rates represent 3.5, 0.4, and 1.2 folds increases, respectively. However, transpirations of the 6 year old trees under the 1.6 m, 2.6 m and 3.6 m water table regimes became unchanged, decreased by 16.3%, and 36.7%, respectively, when compared to the 4 year old trees under the same water table conditions. This study also found that transpiration in the growing season accounted for most of the annual plan water losses, and seasonal plant transpiration varied greatly due to differences in plant age, climatic variations, and plant ecophysiological characteristics. During the diameter growth season from July to August, transpiration of the 1 year old and 6 year old trees accounted for 39.2% to 62.7% from the whole year. However, transpiration rates of the 4 year old trees did not have much variations (1.9%~4.5%) during the May~June, July~August, and September-October, time periods. Regression analysis suggested that the relationships between growing season transpiration and environmental factors varied with different water table conditions. The combined effects of groundwater table depth and environmental factors on plant transpiration dynamics remained unclear.