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毛竹林森林浴对小白鼠自发行为的影响     被引量:23

Effects of Forest Bathing in a Phyllostachys edulis Forest on the Spontaneous Behavior of Mice



英文题名:Effects of Forest Bathing in a Phyllostachys edulis Forest on the Spontaneous Behavior of Mice

作者:王茜[1] 王成[1] 王艳英[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Phyllostachys edulis forest;forest bathing;VOCs;mouse;spontaneous activity


[Objective]Changes in behavior index of Kunming mice were observed after they were subjected to treatment of“forest bathing”in a Phyllostachys edulis forest,and effects of the volatile organic compounds ( VOCs) from the forest on spontaneous behavior of mice were studied in this paper in order to provide a theoretical basis for developing and constructing the“forest bathing”. [Method]An open-field experiment was conducted,combined with VOCs exposure in the forest during continuous 10 days of experimental observation,to test animal behavior of mice.[Result]1 ) In exploration phase,the treated group increased markedly exercise amount with time increased. In adaptation phase,the exercising amount of the treated group decreased at first,and then increased. The exercising amount of the control group decreased at first and increased later in exploration phase. In adaptation phase,there was no significant variation in the exercise of the control group. Based on changing range from exploration phase to adaptation phase,the total movement distance of the treated group was significantly longer than the control one; 2 ) The central grid movement distance of the treated group in exploration phase was longer than that in adaptation phase. The moving distance had a greater change in exploration phase,but not in adaptation phase. For the control group,the moving distance in central grid was shorter than the treated one. In the whole experimental period of 10 days,the treated group had greater exercise amount than the control,and the gap between the two groups was larger in exploration phase,and was smaller in adaptation phase;3) The residence time of mice in the two groups in the central grid varied in serrated shape,and the treated group was longer than the control one all time;4) The central grid entering frequency of mice in the two groups changed in irregular shape. In the two phases of the experimental period,the central grid entering frequency of the treated group was higher than the control one; 5 ) After the“forest bathing”, the standing frequency decreased rapidly with the increase of time in exploration phase. In adaptation phase,the standing frequency of the treated group increased slowly with the increase of time. The standing frequency of the control one changed irregularly. In the 10 days experiment,the standing frequency of the treated group has been higher than the control one; 6 ) In exploration phase,the weight of the treated group gained rapidly except the fourth day. The weight of the treated group gained slowly in adaptation phase. In the 10 days experiment,the weight of treated group had been higher than control one except in the second day;7) The stool volume of mice in the two groups decreased with the increase of time except in the seventh day. In the 10 days experiment,the stool volume of the treated group was smaller than the control one.[Conclusion]This study indicated that,after“forest bathing”the mental state of mice was improved,and the mice ’s ability of exploration,memory and cognitive were enhanced,illustrating that the Phyllostachys edulis forest is suitable for development and construction of“forest bathing”.



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