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山东省渤海沿岸滨海湿地草本植物群落物种组成及多样性研究     被引量:7

Herbaceous plant species structure and diversity of communities of the coastal wetlands in Bohai coastal area in Shandong province



英文题名:Herbaceous plant species structure and diversity of communities of the coastal wetlands in Bohai coastal area in Shandong province

作者:宋香静[1] 李胜男[1] 韦玮[1] 郭嘉[1] 于一雷[1]








外文期刊名:Ecological Science





外文关键词:coastal wetland; herbaceous plant; plant species; communities diversity


Herbaceous communities in coastal wetland along Bohai coast in Shandong were selected to study the species composition and community diversities. The results showed, in study area, there were 83 herb species which belonged to 23 families, 62 genera. Among them, the species of gramineae and compositae were the most, accounting for 34.94% of all plant species. The distributions of plant genera and families in study area were mainly world distribution and pantropical distribution. The Phragmites australis was the most common in herb with the frequency of occurrence as high as 66%. The plants in 50 plots were divided into 12 types of plant communities by Ward's least variance method. These plant communities included Phragmites australis community, Phragmites australis + Suaeda glauca community, Phragmites australis + Suaeda salsa community, Suaeda glauca community, Suaeda salsa community, Atriplex centralasiatica + Echinochloa caudate community, Phragmites australis + Miscanthus sacchariflorus community, Salicornia europaea community, Spartina alterniflora community, Imperata cylindrica community, Phragmites australis + Aeluropus sinensis community, and Phragmites australis + Tamarix chinensis + Calamagrostis pseudophragmites community. The species richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Simpson diversity index varied from 3 to 40, 0.14 to 2.20, 0.05 to 0.84, respectively. The diversity indexes of different plant community types were significantly different. The species evenness index varied greatly, ranging from 0.12 to 0.83 and the dominant species were not obvious. At present, the plant diversity was mainly influenced by natural factors such as climate warming and river blanking and human disturbance such as unreasonable development and utilization of wetland. The study pointed out the laws of wetland protection should be established and improved, the recovery and reconstruction of wetland as well as the propaganda and education should be enhanced, and the wetland should be exploited and utilized reasonably. On this basis, the coastal wetland ecosystem can be developed sustainably.



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