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不同树龄侧柏古树扦插生根过程中的生理响应     被引量:1

Physiological Response of Ancient Platycladus orientalis with Different Ages During Cutting Rooting Process



英文题名:Physiological Response of Ancient Platycladus orientalis with Different Ages During Cutting Rooting Process

作者:常二梅[1] 董遥[2] 刘建锋[1] 贾子瑞[1] 李香[3] 赵秀莲[1] 郭伟[1,4]








外文期刊名:Bulletin of Botanical Research





外文关键词:Platycladus orientalis;ancient tree;cutting;physiological mechanism;rooting


摘要:为探讨树龄对侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)古树扦插生根的影响及扦插过程中的生理机制,从树龄分别为5、100、300、700天的侧柏母树上取插穗进行扦插繁殖,以4个不同生根阶段(0 d(S1,扦插前)、35 d(S2,愈伤组织形成期)、65 d(S3,不定根形成期)、95 d(S4,不定根伸长期))插穗基部的韧皮部为材料,测定生理指标含量的动态变化,并统计生根率和生根数量。结果表明:取自侧柏古树插穗与幼树插穗相比,生根率显著降低、生根数量显著减少(P<0.05)。取自5年侧柏的插穗的营养物质(总糖、总蛋白)含量、抗氧化酶(酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD))活性、激素[内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)、玉米素核苷(ZR)]含量在4个扦插生根阶段显著高于侧柏古树(P<0.05),说明这些物质含量高有利于插穗生根。丙二醛(MDA)、脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA)含量随侧柏树龄的增长呈现显著增长的趋势(P<0.05),说明侧柏古树插穗的有害物质和抑制生根的激素含量较多。营养物质(总糖、总蛋白)、激素(IAA、GA)含量在4个生根阶段中呈现先增高后降低的趋势,在S3时最高(P<0.05)。相反,ABA含量在S3时显著低于其他3个阶段(P<0.05),说明不定根形成阶段(S3)是扦插过程中的关键阶段,ω(IAA)/ω(ABA)、ω(ZR)/ω(ABA)比值越大,越有利于不定根形成。树龄显著影响侧柏扦插生根率,但是,不同年龄的侧柏古树的扦插生根率差异不显著。而有利于扦插生根的营养物质(总糖、总蛋白)、抗氧化酶(PPO、POD、SOD)活性、激素(IAA、ZR)含量少是侧柏古树生根难的原因。
To explore the effect of tree age of ancient Platycladus orientalis on rooting of cuttings propagated from them and the physiological mechanism during the cutting process,the cuttings of 5,100,300 and 700 years P.orientalis female trees were used as scions respectively,and the phloem at the base of the cutting at rooting stages[0 d(S1,stage of before cutting),35 d(S2,stage of callus formation),65 d(S3,stage of adventitious root formation),95 d(S4,stage of adventitious root elongation)]were harvested as the materials and the dynamic changes in the physiological indicators were measured,and the rooting rates and the numbers of rooted cuttings were counted respectively.The results showed that both of the rooting rates and the numbers of rooted cuttings propagated from ancient P.orientalis were significantly less than those of five years ones(P<0.05).The nutrients(total sugar and total protein),activities of antioxidative enzymes(polyphenol oxidase(PPO),peroxidase(POD),superoxide dismutase(SOD))and hormones(Indole-3-acetic acid(IAA),zeatin riboside(ZR))contents of the cuttings of five years donors were significantly more than those of ancient P.orientalis donors at all rooting stages,indicating that the high levels of these substances facilitated the rooting of the cuttings(P<0.05).The contents of malondialdehyde(MDA),abscisic acid(ABA),and gibberellin(GA)showed a significant increase with increasing tree ages,indicating that the cuttings of ancient P.orientalis contained more harmful substances and hormones that inhibited rooting(P<0.05).The nutrients(total sugar and total protein)and hormone(IAA and GA)contents showed a trend increased first and then decreased throughout the four stages,and it was worth noting that the contents reached maximum value at S3.On the contrary,ABA contents at S3 were significantly lower than that of another three stages(P<0.05).The results indicated that the stage of adventitious root formation(S3)was a critical stage during the cutting process(P<0.05).The larger the ratio ofω(IAA)/ω(ABA)andω(ZR)/ω(ABA)were,the better for adventitious root formation.Tree ages significantly affected the rooting rate of P.orientalis cuttings,but there was no significant difference in the rooting rate of cuttings of ancient P.orientalis of different ages.Therefore,the reasons for difficulties in rooting of cuttings from ancient P.orientalis were mainly attributable to the lack of nutrients(total sugar and total protein),activities of antioxidative enzymes(PPO,POD,and SOD)and endogenous hormones(IAA and ZR)beneficial to rooting.



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