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3种木兰科植物幼苗叶片功能性状及关联性分析     被引量:9

The Leaf Functional Traits and their Correlation Analysis of Three Seedlings of Magnoliaceae



英文题名:The Leaf Functional Traits and their Correlation Analysis of Three Seedlings of Magnoliaceae

作者:李超[1] 赵广东[1] 史作民[1] 王兵[1] 邓宗富[2] 夏晨[2] 王财英[3] 陈和东[2]







外文期刊名:Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis





外文关键词:functional traits; leaf; seedlings; magnoliaceae family; Micheliachapensls; Micheliamaudiae; Tsoongiodendronodorum


Interspecific differences in leaf thickness,specific leaf area,leaf dry matter content,leaf nitrogen concentration,leaf phosphorus concentration,ratio of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and their correlation of Micheliachapensls,Micheliamaudiae and Tsoongiodendronodorum two-year seedlings of Magnoliaceae in the mid-subtropical zone of China in the growing season were investigated. The results were as follows:( 1)The six leaf trait indicators of the three trees exhibited a certain interspecific difference,among the three tree seedlings,the specific leaf area,leaf dry matter content and ratio of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of Tsoongiodendronodorum were the maximum,its leaf nitrogen concentration was the highest; the leaf dry matter content of Micheliachapenslswas the minimum,its leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf phosphorus concentration were the lowest; the leaf phosphorus concentration of Micheliamaudizae was the highest and its specific leaf area,ratio of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration were the minimum,but there was no significant difference in leaf thickness of the three tree seedlings.( 2) The leaf thickness of the three trees of Magnoliaceae had highly significant positive correlation with leaf dry matter content( P〈0.01); the specific leaf area had positive correlation with leaf nitrogen concentration( P〈0.05); the leaf dry matter content had positive correlation with leaf phosphorus concentration( P〈0.05); the leaf nitrogen concentration had highly significant positive correlation with leaf phosphorus concentration( P〈0.01).( 3) The ratios of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of the three tree seedlings were all between 9 to 12 and their difference was highly significant( P〈0.01). The results indicated that the six leaf trait indicators of the three tree seedlings of Magnoliaceae exhibited a certain interspecific difference,but the order of the same indicator and the significance of its difference were different; meanwhile,the correlation of the six leaf trait indicators among all of the three tree seedlings was not the same.



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