英文题名:Area, Distribution and Species Composition of Mangroves in China
作者:廖宝文[1] 张乔民[2]
外文期刊名:Wetland Science
外文关键词:mangrove; area; species composition; geographical distribution; China
摘要:系统综述了中国东南沿海红树林的空间分布、种类组成及其面积变化特征。红树林的分布与生长状况受多种因素共同影响,主要包括气温、洋流、波浪、岸坡、盐度、潮汐和底质等。中国红树林主要分布于东南沿海热带、亚热带海岸港湾、河口湾等受掩护水域。由海南岛向北,随着纬度逐渐升高,气候带由中热带(海南岛南部)、北热带(海南岛北部、雷州半岛和台湾岛南部)、南亚热带(广西省、广东省、台湾省北部和福建省南部沿海地区)到中亚热带(福建省北部和浙江省沿海),红树林分布面积和树种数都显著降低,林相也由乔木变为灌木,树高降低,充分显示温度对红树林分布的宏观控制作用。中国红树林的总面积在历史上曾达25×104hm2,1950年约为4.2×104hm2,2001年为2.28×104hm2,总体上,中国红树林面积在急剧萎缩。2001年,中国各主要省份现存红树植物面积由大到小排序依次为:广东省(9 084.0 hm2)、广西省(8 374.9 hm2)、海南省(3 930.3 hm2)、福建省(615.1hm2)、香港特别行政区(510 hm2)、台湾省(278 hm2)、浙江省(19.9 hm2)、澳门特别行政区(60 hm2)。另外,从红树植物的种类组成上来看,加上2种从国外成功驯化引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa),目前中国红树林现有真红树植物26种,半红树植物12种,合计38种。
This paper systematically summarized the change characteristic of mangroves and their species composition. The geographical distribution of mangrove plants and their growth status are greatly affected by many external factors, including air temperature, ocean currents, waves, bank slopes, salinity, tides, and sediment and so on. Mangroves in China are mainly distributed in the southeast coast of the tropical and subtropical coastal bays, estuaries and other areas under waters. From Hainan Island towards the north, climate zones extend from central tropical zone (the south of Hainan Island), to northern tropical zone (the north of Hainan Island, south of Leizhou Peninsula and Taiwan Island), to southern subtropical zone (Guangxi province, Guangdong province, Fujian province, the south of Taiwan Island and southern coastal areas of Fujian province), to northern subtropical zone (the north of Fujian province and coastal areas of Zhejiang province). The area and population diversity of mangrove plants decline significantly with increasing latitudes, and forest stand also transforms from arbor to shrub, which fully demonstrated the macroscopically control effect of air temperature for the geographical distribution of mangrove plants. In terms of mangrove cover change, the total area of mangroves in China has been dramatically shrunk from 250 thousand ha in history, to 42 thousand ha in 1950, and to 22.8 thousand ha in 2001. In 2001, descending order of existing area of mangroves in China's major provinces is: Guangdong province (9 084.0 ha), Guangxi province (8 374.9 ha), Hainan (3 930.3 ha), Fujian province(615.1 ha), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (510 ha), Taiwan province (278 ha), Zhejiang province (19.9 ha), Macao Special Administrative Region (60 ha). For the species composition of mangrove plants, adding 2 species (Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa) of successful introduced true-mangrove plants from abroad, now there is total 38 species of mangrove plants in China, including 26 species of true-mangrove plants and 12 semi-mangrove plants.