北京市四环路及路旁绿地CO_2变化特征及来源分析 被引量:2
Atmospheric CO_2 variations and source estimation at the fourth ring road and roadside green-space system in Beijing
英文题名:Atmospheric CO_2 variations and source estimation at the fourth ring road and roadside green-space system in Beijing
作者:张骁博[1] 孙守家[2] 郑宁[2] 郭佳[3] 舒健骅[4] 李春友[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:Urban ecosystem; CO2 concentration; δ13C ; source apportionment
摘要:城市大气中CO_2的变化特征及来源解析是制定节能减排措施的重要依据,对比非采暖季与采暖季北京市四环路(阜通东大街-京密路)路旁及距离道路100 m绿地中不同高度大气中CO_2浓度,并利用Keeling plot方程结合Iso Source软件进行分析,以期获得不同季节CO_2变化特征及定量估算其来源。结果表明,不同来源的CO_2中具有差异显著的δ^(13)C值,其中:土壤呼吸(-18.92‰)>植物呼吸(-23.40‰)>燃煤废气(-24.10‰)>机动车尾气(-28.14‰)>天然气废气(-33.34‰)。路旁和绿地的大气CO_2浓度在采暖季中分别比非采暖季中高26.2%和41.2%,路旁与绿地的大气CO_2浓度在非采暖季中差异显著而采暖季中无明显差异。在非采暖季中,CO_2浓度在6:00和20:00时较高,路旁大气CO_2随高度升高而降低,绿地大气CO_2浓度在8 m处最高,日变化明显。在采暖季中,CO_2浓度与车流量有相似的日变化趋势,在8:00和19:00时较高,路旁和绿地处大气CO_2浓度都随高度的升高而降低。路旁和绿地的大气CO_2来源差别明显,非采暖季中路旁大气CO_2主要来自于机动车尾气而绿地中大气CO_2主要来自于土壤和植物呼吸,在采暖季中路旁及绿地中大气CO_2的来源差别较小,主要来自于燃煤废气和机动车尾气。
Knowledge of variations and sources of urban atmospheric CO2 is important to determine energy saving and emission reduction policies. In the present study, air CO2 concentration and stable carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios on the Fourth Ring Road (FRR) and in the green-space system 100 m from FRR were measured using an off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy technique in heating and non-heating seasons. The CO2 variations and different source contributions were analyzed with the Keeling plot method and IsoSource software. The results showed CO2 from different sources had significantly different δ13C values. The δ13C values from high to low were noted from soil respiration (-18.92‰), plant respiration (-23.40‰), coal combustion exhaust gas (-24.10‰), motor vehicle exhaust gas (-28.14‰), and natural gas (-33.34‰). The CO2 concentrations of the FRR and green-space system in the heating season were 26.2% and 41.2% higher than those in the non-heating season, respectively. There was a significant difference of CO2 concentration between the FRR and green-space system in the non-heating season, but no difference in the heating season. The CO2 concentration had an obvious daily change and two peaks at 6:00 and 20:00 in the heating season. The CO2 concentration of FRR was highest at the bottom of the observation tower and decreased with increased height, but the CO2 concentration of the green-space system was highest at 8 m. In the heating season, the CO2 concentration had two peaks at 8:00 and 19:00, with a similar daily trend to that of traffic volume. CO2 concentrations of both the FRR and green-space system decreased with increasing height. However, there were obviously different sources between the FRR and green-space systems. The CO2 of the FRR was mainly from motor vehicle exhaust gases, but that of the green-space system mostly came from soil and plant respiration in the non-heating season. However, there was no difference in CO2 sources between the FRR and green-space system, and most sources were coal-fired emissions and motor vehicle exhaust gases.