基于遥感影像的福建省长汀县级植被覆盖变化监测及分析 被引量:13
Monitoring and analysis of county-level vegetation cover change in Changting, Fujian based on remote sensing images
英文题名:Monitoring and analysis of county-level vegetation cover change in Changting, Fujian based on remote sensing images
作者:胡鸿[1,2] 许延丽[3] 鞠洪波[1] 孙志超[2]
外文关键词:vegetation coverage;Landsat MSS/TM;red soil area;land use;driving factors;Changting County,Fujian
摘要:【目的】通过长期遥感监测的方法,研究我国东南部降雨充沛、土壤易被侵蚀的红壤区县级植被覆盖变化及其驱动因素。【方法】以福建长汀县为研究区,借助2013—2015年高分辨率(1~1.5 m)的Google Earth影像和2015年7月实地调查数据结果为分类蓝本及先验知识,利用1976—2014年8期Landsat MSS/TM数据和专家分类系统把土地利用类型分为森林、灌丛、农田、居民地和裸地共5大类,通过混淆矩阵结合统计数据,分别对分类结果进行精度检验,并基于分类结果分析植被覆盖变化的驱动因素。【结果】专家分类系统对土地利用类型的分类精度(85%以上)较高;40年来研究区植被覆盖率一直较高(81.5%~88.3%);森林面积持续增长;农田面积虽有波动,但总体保持稳定;灌丛面积总体减少。研究区中部在20世纪80年代存在大量裸土区,1985年以后持续大量减少,2010年以后趋于稳定;居民地在1995年以后面积经历快速增长阶段,2010年后趋于稳定;总体耕地面积较少,主要分布在居民地附近。【结论】长汀县植被覆盖在40年间经历了较为复杂的时空变化,驱动因子在不同阶段也不相同。植被覆盖面积经历了先减少后增加的过程,总体的面积增加。在整个变化过程中,植被覆盖面积增加的主要驱动因素是植树造林和水土流失治理工程,植树造林工程使得森林面积增加,水土流失治理工程使得裸土面积减少;植被覆盖面积减少的驱动因素是城镇化,城镇化造成居民地面积的扩张和灌丛面积的减少。
【Objective】 Through long-term remote sensing monitoring method, we studied the vegetation cover change and its driving factors at the county level in the southeastern part of China, where rainfall is abundant and soil is eroded easily.【Method】 Taking Changting County of Fujian as the research area, with the help of Google Earth image of high resolution(1-1.5 m) from 2013 to 2015 and the result of field investigation in July 2015 for classified blueprint and prior knowledge, the land use type is divided into five major categories including forest, shrub, farmland, residential land and bare land by using eight phase Landsat MSS/TM data from 1976 to 2014 and expert classification system. Through the combination of the confusion matrix and the statistical data, the accuracy of the classification results is tested, and the driving factors of the vegetation cover change are analyzed based on the classification results.【Result】 The classification system of expert classification system has higher classification precision of land use type(more than 85%);the vegetation coverage in the study area has been higher in the last 40 years(81.5%-88.3%);the forest area continues to increase;although the area of farmland is fluctuating, the total area remains stable;the area of shrubs is reduced in general. In the middle of the study area, there were a large number of bare soil areas in 1980 s. After 1985, it continued to decrease, and became stable after 2010;the area of the residential area experienced a rapid growth stage after 1995 and stabilized after 2010;the total area of cultivated land was less, mainly in the vicinity of the residential area.【Conclusion】 The vegetation cover in Changting County has experienced more complicated spatiotemporal changes in the past 40 years, and the driving factors are different at different stages. Vegetation cover area experienced a process of decreasing first and then increasing, and the total area increased. During the whole process of change, the main driving factors for the increase of vegetation cover area are afforestation and soil erosion control, the afforestation process makes the forest area increase, the soil erosion control project makes the bare soil area decrease;the driving factor of the vegetation cover area reduction is urbanization, and urbanization leads to the expansion of residential area and the reduction of shrub area.