华北低丘山区栓皮栎人工林冠层CO_2浓度和δ^(13)C变化及其影响因素 被引量:4
Variations of CO_2 concentration and δ^(13)C and influencing factors of Quercus variabilis plantation in low hilly area of North China
英文题名:Variations of CO_2 concentration and δ^(13)C and influencing factors of Quercus variabilis plantation in low hilly area of North China
作者:孙守家[1,2] 孟平[1,2] 张劲松[1,2] 郑宁[1,2] 何春霞[1,2] 李岩泉[1,2]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
外文关键词:Quercus variabilis ; stable carbon isotope ; CO2 concentration ; canopy; photosynthesis.
摘要:采用离轴积分腔输出光谱技术测定华北低丘山区栓皮栎人工林冠层上缘(11 m)和下部(6 m)大气CO2浓度和δ13C值,在小时尺度上分析冠层CO2浓度和δ13C变化及其影响因素.结果表明:冠层CO2浓度呈先高后低再升高的日变化趋势,而δ13C值没有明显一致的日变化规律.白天大气不稳定状态出现的频率为70.2%,在光合作用和林内湍流的共同作用下,栓皮栎冠层下部CO2浓度高于冠层上缘约1.70μmol·mol-1,而δ13C值低于冠层上缘约0.81‰.晚上大气稳定状态出现的频率为76.2%,湍流弱,冠层叶片呼出的CO2不易流动,导致冠层下部CO2浓度高于上缘约1.24μmol·mol-1,δ13C值低于冠层上缘约0.58‰.白天和晚上冠层上下缘的CO2浓度差值与δ13C差值均呈显著的相关关系.逐步回归分析表明,白天太阳辐射和相对湿度是影响冠层CO2浓度和δ13C值差异的主要环境因子,晚上温度显著影响冠层下部与上缘δ13C值的变化,这些环境因子通过增强或减弱光合和呼吸作用来影响冠层大气中CO2浓度和δ13C值的变化.
The off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy technique was used to measure air CO2 concentration and stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) above (11 m) and at the bottom (6 m) of canopy of a Quercus variabilis plantation in a low hilly area of North China. The variations of CO2 concentration and δ13C value in Q. variabilis plantation canopy and the influencing factors were ana- lyzed at hourly timescale. The results showed that diurnal variation in the CO2 concentration had a trend, while there was no obvious similar tendency in the diurnal change of δ13C value. Daytime at- mosphere stability frequency during the experiment time was 70.2%. With the combined effects of photosynthesis and turbulent in the canopy, CO2 concentration at the bottom of canopy was 1.70 p, mol · mo1-1 higher than that above the canopy, while the δ13C value was 0.81‰ lower than that above the canopy. Atmosphere stability frequency was 76.2% at night. The CO2 from leaf was not easy to move because of weak turbulent. Thus, CO2 concentration at the bottom of canopy was 1.24 μmol · mol-1 higher than that above canopy, while the δ13C value was 0.58‰ lower than that above canopy. The difference of CO2 concentration between above and at the bottom of the canopy was strongly correlated with their δ13C difference both in daytime and at nighttime. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that solar radiation and relative humidity in daytime were the main environmental factors causing CO2 concentration and δ13C difference between above and at the bottom of the canopy,whereas at nighttime temperature was a key environmental factor influencing δ13C value. The above environmental factors strongly influenced CO2 concentration and δ13C value in air above and at the bottom of Q. variabilis plantation canopy by increasing or decreasing photosynthesis and respiration.