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库姆塔格沙漠东南缘季节性河流(洪沟)水文监测与分析     被引量:1

Monitoring and analysis of hydrology in Duobagou,the southeast margin of Kumtag Desert



英文题名:Monitoring and analysis of hydrology in Duobagou,the southeast margin of Kumtag Desert

作者:李永华[1,2] 王学全[1,2] 周多良[3] 杨文斌[1,2] 卢琦[1,2] 李艳丽[1] 靳尚宝[4]








外文期刊名:Arid Land Geography





外文关键词:arid area;seasonal river;duobagou;flow rate;flood;Kumtag Desert


摘要:季节性河流是干旱区不同生态系间物种扩散交流的重要通道,也是维持干旱区生物多样性与生态系统稳定性的重要因子,但我国有关季节性河流水文生态学的研究一直相对滞后,且有关季节性河流水文长期动态的研究报道较少。以库姆塔格沙漠东南缘季节性河流—多坝沟为研究对象,利用自动水位计与人工调查相结合的方法,研究了洪沟内部的长期水文动态特征。研究显示:多坝沟洪水集中在6~9月份,降水是洪水的唯一驱动力。洪水频率、流量与降水季节、降水量、降水强度等因子密切相关。任何时间,单次降水量低于5 mm时,降水无法形成明显的洪水过程;春季单次降水低于16 mm或夏季单次降水低于10 mm时,最大洪水流量均不超过0.3 m^3·s^(-1)。在没有洪水发生时,春秋季节泉水径流量表现为陡涨缓落,而夏季呈现陡落缓涨。该研究不仅为干旱区季节性河流水文监测提供了可行有效的方法,同时为进一步研究库姆塔格沙漠周边的生态水文过程、水资源管理利用及植物生存演化提供了数据支撑。
Seasonal rivers, which run through the mountain, Gobi, desert, wetland, are important geographical units to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem stability in arid regions in Northwest China. Because of remote location, severe condition, low development potential and lack of suitable monitoring equipment, few data are available for evaluating water resources of the seasonal rivers in the region accurately. In this study, automatic water level gauge was employed to collect the long term water level data of Duobagou which is a seasonal stream or flood ditch in the southeast margin of Kumtag Desert. Simultaneously, based on the artificial observation, the flow rate of Duobagou was estimated by the coupling relation between the water level and flow velocity. The resuits showed that rainstorm is the driving factor of flood in Duobagou. Most of the floods occurred in the period from June to September. The flood characteristics were basically consistent with the rainstorm flood occurring in other rivers in arid area. No floods occurred when a single precipitation was less than 5 mm. Meanwhile, the maximum flow rate of the flood was less than 0.3 m^3· s^-1 when a single precipitation was less than 16 mm in spring or less than 10 mm in summer. Moreover, the spring nmoff was risen steeply and fallen slowly in spring and autumn as no floods occurred. On the contrary; it was risen slowly and fallen steeply in summer. This paper provided not only an effective method for monitoring the hydrological dynamics of seasonal rivers, but also reli- able data for studying eco-hydrological process and biological survival and evolution, which can help manage and make use of the water resources around the Kumtag Desert more effectively and efficiently.



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