英文题名:Soil fertility in the Pinus massoniana forests of China
作者:简尊吉[1] 倪妍妍[1] 徐瑾[1] 雷蕾[1,2] 曾立雄[1,2] 肖文发[1,2]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana;regional scale;abundant?poor level of nutrients;fertility index;phosphorus deficiency
摘要:土壤肥力是各因素的综合作用和反映,也是林地生产力的基础。为了解马尾松分布区林下土壤肥力状况,利用499条文献数据、134条历史调查数据和131条当前调查数据中0—20 cm和20—40 cm土层的pH值、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾,根据全国第二次土壤普查养分分级标准和内梅罗指数法分别对土壤养分单一指标丰瘠水平和综合肥力状况进行评估,并分析马尾松天然林与人工林和纯林与混交林间土壤肥力特征的差异,为马尾松林可持续经营和生产力提高提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)0—20 cm和20—40 cm土层土壤pH值、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾的平均值分别为4.79和4.91、33.78 g/kg和19.92 g/kg、1.82 g/kg和1.32 g/kg、0.46 g/kg和0.40 g/kg、14.49 g/kg和15.71 g/kg、88.00 mg/kg和59.41 mg/kg、4.94 mg/kg和2.38 mg/kg、71.72 mg/kg和52.99 mg/kg;(2)除土壤有机质、全氮和全钾含量外,两个土层其他土壤养分指标的丰瘠水平在"较缺"水平及其以下;(3)0—20 cm土层土壤肥力指数(0.97)大于20—40 cm土层(0.77),土壤有效磷含量的肥力指数均最小(0.60和0.33);(4)除20—40 cm土层pH值、碱解氮和速效钾含量外,其他土壤养分指标和肥力指数均表现为混交林>纯林;这些指标在天然林与人工林间的差异因指标而异。总体来看,马尾松林土壤磷和钾养分的供给潜力和能力较弱,土壤综合肥力状况也偏"贫瘠",其中土壤有效磷含量最低,肥力指数也最小;0—20 cm土层的土壤肥力状况优于20—40 cm土层,均受林分起源(天然林与人工林)和林分结构(纯林与混交林)的影响;但由于指标缺乏(如物理指标)和数据分布不均衡(天然林和混交林少),土壤肥力的估算以及林分特征对土壤养分和肥力的影响还有待于进一步研究。
Soil fertility is not only the comprehensive function and reflection of various soil properties but also the ability of soil to sustain plant growth and develop forest productivity.Hence,evaluation of soil fertility is of great meaning to improve the forest management.However,soil fertility at regional scale is still poor understood.In this study,soil fertility in the Pinus massoniana forests,which were widely distributed in subtropical China,was taken as the research object.The pH value and nutrient contents at soil depth of 0—20 cm and 20—40 cm were collected from 499 published data,134 historical data and 131 current data.Based on the national nutrient classification standard of the second soil census and the Nemero index,the abundant?poor level of soil nutrient indicators and the status of soil fertility index were evaluated,respectively.The differences of soil fertility between natural forests and planted forests and between pure forests and mixed forests were also analyzed.The study will provide scientific basis for sustainable management and improved productivity of P.massoniana forests.Across subtropical China,the average values of pH,soil organic matter(SOM),total nitrogen(TN),total phosphorus(TP),total potassium(TK),alkai?hydrolyzable nitrogen(AN),available phosphorus(AP)and available potassium(AK)at soil depth of 0—20 cm and 20—40 cm were 4.79 and 4.91,33.78 and 19.92 g/kg,1.82 and 1.32 g/kg,0.46 and 0.40 g/kg,14.49 and 15.71 g/kg,88.00 and 59.41 mg/kg,4.94 and 2.38 mg/kg,and 71.72 and 52.99 mg/kg,respectively.Except for SOM,TN and TK,the abundant?poor levels of other soil nutrient indicators in two soil layers were at and/or below“relative deficiency”level.The soil fertility index of 0—20 cm(0.97)was greater than that of 20—40 cm(0.77),and the fertility indexes of soil AP content in these two soil layers were the lowest value(0.60 and 0.33,respectively).Except for soil pH value,AN and AK content of 20—40 cm,other indicators and fertility index were characterized by the mixed forests>pure forests,and the differences of these indicators between the natural forest and the planted forest varied with the indicators.In conclusion,the supply potential and capacity of soil phosphorus and potassium elements of P.massoniana forests were weak and soil fertility was also close to“poor”level,in which the content and fertility index of soil AP were the lowest value.The soil nutrient and fertility status of 0—20 cm were better than those of 20—40 cm,and these indicators were affected by stand origin(natural versus planted)and stand structure(pure versus mixed).However,due to the lacking indicators(i.e.physical indicator)and uneven data(less data of natural and mixed forests),the evaluation of soil fertility and the influences of stand characteristics on soil nutrient and fertility status need to be further studied.