不同种源交趾黄檀种子形态及多点发芽率的差异 被引量:18
Morphological variations in seeds from various provenances of Dalbergia cochinchinensis with a multi-site germination test
英文题名:Morphological variations in seeds from various provenances of Dalbergia cochinchinensis with a multi-site germination test
作者:李科[1] 洪舟[1] 杨曾奖[1] 张宁南[1] 刘小金[1] 徐大平[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University
外文关键词:silviculture; Dalbergia cochinchinensis ; provenance; seed morphology; germination rate
摘要:研究不同种源交趾黄檀Dalbergia cochinchinensis种子形态特征及在华南不同地区的发芽率差异,为交趾黄檀适地引种和遗传改良提供基础。以来自泰国、柬埔寨、中国等10个种源25个家系的交趾黄檀种子为研究对象,对种子进行形态参数的测定,并在中国4个地区(海南乐东、广东阳江、广东广州和福建漳州)进行种子发芽试验。研究发现:交趾黄檀种子长度、种子宽度、种子厚度的变幅分别为6.09~7.19,3.84~4.28和0.98~1.19 mm;千粒重变幅为15.80~33.76 g。在4个播种地的试验发现:平均发芽率以阳江最好,达78%;Prachin Buri(巴真)种源种子在4个地区的平均发芽率最高,达83%;Kampong Cham(磅湛)种源(79%),Pursat(菩萨)种源(92%),Prachin Buri(巴真)种源(90%),Prachin Buri(巴真)种源(87%)的种子发芽率分别在广东广州、福建漳州、广东阳江、海南乐东达到了最高水平。不同种源间、播种地间的种子发芽率各自均差异极显著(P<0.01)。千粒重与种子在4个地区的发芽率相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。不同种源种子在阳江、乐东两地的发芽率变化极为相似。聚类分析将此次引种的交趾黄檀分为3大产区。种子形态特征和发芽状况可作为引种、选种的依据,交趾黄檀种子总体上以泰国Prachin Buri(巴真)种源发芽表现最好。
To provide a basis for introduction to appropriate regions and to further improve ge netic traits for Dalbergia cochinchinensis, seed morphology from various provenances and different germination rates in various regions were studied. Morphological parameters, including seed length, seed width, seed thickness and 1 000-seed weight, were measured and a germination test(RCB design with 50-seed plot and 4 replications) was conducted in four districts(Guangzhou, Zhangzhou, Yangjiang, and Ledong) with 25 families of D. cochinchinensis seeds collected from 10 provenances in Thailand, Cambodia, and China. ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were conducted with different traits. Results showed that seed length ranged from6.09 mm to 7.19 mm, seed width ranged from 3.84 mm to 4.28 mm, seed thickness ranged from 0.98 mm to1.19 mm, and the 1 000-seed weight ranged from 15.80 g to 33.76 g. The highest average germination rate was in Yangjiang with seeds from ‘Prachin Buri' having the highest average germination rate(up to 83%) of the four regions. Highly significant differences among the provenances and the sowing locations(P0.01) were found with the highest seed germination rate by provenance and planting location being ‘Kampong Cham' in Guangzhou(79%), ‘Pursat' in Zhangzhou(92%), ‘Prachin Buri' in Yangjiang(90%), and ‘Prachin Buri'in Ledong(87%). No correlation between the 1 000-seed weight and germination rate for the four regions was found(P〉0.05). In both Yangjiang and Ledong habitats, variation in germination rates of seeds was similar. A cluster analysis indicated that the seeds of D. cochinchinensis could be divided into three categories. Thus,morphology and seed germination could be used as a basis for introduction and selection with D. cochinchinensis seeds from ‘Prachin Buri' performing the best overall from this study.