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Rare Microbial Taxa as the Major Drivers of Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Lakesides of Dianchi Lake  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Rare Microbial Taxa as the Major Drivers of Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Lakesides of Dianchi Lake

作者:Yuan, Lingchen[1,2] Lan, Xianli[2] Liu, Chengyu[2] Jin, Jun[2] Chen, Yue[3] Hu, Bin[1] Feng, Defeng[4,5] Li, Wei[1]

第一作者:Yuan, Lingchen

机构:[1] Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plateau Mountain Ecology and Restoration of Degraded Environments, School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, China; [2] Institute of International Rivers and Eco-Security, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, China; [3] Environmental Protection Research Institute of Guanxi Transportation Science and Technology Group Co.Ltd., Nanning, 530000, China; [4] Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming, 650224, China; [5] Yuanmou Desert Ecosystem Research Station, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming, 650224, China





外文关键词:Bacteria - Catchments - Complex networks - Lakes - Land use - Physicochemical properties - Runoff - Soils - Wetlands

摘要:Patterns of microbial community is the important research area of microbial ecology, and the relationships between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality is a recent focused research. However, the patterns of lakeside microbial sub-communities with different rarity are poorly understood, and relationships between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality is less studied in lakeside wetland. In the present study, distribution of abundant and rare bacteria, their driving factors, and the soil ecosystem multifunctionality in lakeside wetlands of Dianchi Lake were examined. Results showed that land-use changes within Dianchi catchment only significantly affected the alpha diversity of soil abundant bacteria among lakeside wetlands, and the soil bacteria richness and diversity in rare bacteria taxa were significantly higher than that in abundant taxa. Land-use changes within Dianchi catchment significantly affected the bacteria community compositions of rare and abundant taxa among lakeside wetlands. The abundant taxa network showed a more complex and tighter network structure than rare taxa. These foundings suggested that the alpha diversity and community compositions of rare and abundant taxa were different in lakeside wetlands under land-use changes within Dianchi catchment. Soil ecosystem multifunctionality differed significantly among the lakeside wetlands of Dianchi Lake, and there were positive and significant linear correlations between soil rare bacteria and ecosystem multifunctionality by bacteria alpha diversity, beta diversity and network complexity. These indicated that the rare taxa was the drivers of ecosystem multifunctionality in lakeside wetlands of Dianchi Lake. Besides, the relationship between ecosystem multifunctionality and rare bacterial were directly or indirectly affected by the physicochemical properties of soil and overlying water. This study improved our understanding of soil microbial attributes and ecosystem multifunctionality in lakeside wetlands under different land-use changes within catchment. ? 2023, The Authors. All rights reserved.



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