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核桃杂交种‘中宁奇’与北加州黑核桃、魁核桃生长特性比较     被引量:4

Comparative Study on Growth Characteristics of Walnut Hybrid‘Zhongningqi',Juglans hindsii and Juglans major



英文题名:Comparative Study on Growth Characteristics of Walnut Hybrid‘Zhongningqi',Juglans hindsii and Juglans major

作者:李莉[1] 徐慧敏[2] 赵荣军[3] 张俊佩[1] 裴东[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Juglans hindsii × Juglans regia var; Zhongningqi; Juglans hindsii; Juglans major; stem analysis; growth characteristics


摘要:[目的]通过对核桃杂交种‘中宁奇’以及北加州黑核桃、魁核桃的年轮生长特性进行比较研究,掌握‘中宁奇’的树体生长进程,为品种应用和优质木材生产提供参考。[方法]利用树木解析法,对河南省洛宁县23年生核桃杂交种‘中宁奇’以及北加州黑核桃、魁核桃的胸径、树高及材积生长量及生长进程进行比较分析。[结果]在生长进程方面,3个树种的胸径、树高、材积的生长率呈逐年降低的趋势,第14年以后生长率基本平稳。23年生树体胸高形数为0.37 0.42,干形较通直。‘中宁奇’和北加州黑核桃的胸径速生期为第2 8年,魁核桃为第2 10年,其中,‘中宁奇’胸径总生长量和平均生长量最大,分别为36.68、1.59 cm。3个树种树高速生期也主要集中在前8年。在整个生长过程中,3个树种材积总生长量和平均生长量一直处于增长趋势,直到23年生时,材积生长量仍未达到数量成熟,其中,‘中宁奇’材积总生长量和平均生长量分别为0.49、0.02 m3,明显高于北加州黑核桃和魁核桃。[结论]‘中宁奇’作为核桃良种砧木的同时,可作为速生优质硬阔用材树种,是培育阔叶大径材的优良选择,将为培育高档家具用材发挥重要作用。
[Objective]The aims of this study are to understand the tree growth process of walnut hybrid ‘Zhongningqi'( Juglans hindsii × Juglans regia var. Zhongningqi),and provide reference for its variety application and high quality wood production through comparative studies on the tree-ring growth characteristics of "Zhongningqi",Juglans hindsii and Juglans major. [Method]By stem analytical method,the growth of DBH,tree height,volume and growth process of ‘Zhongningqi',Juglans hindsii and Juglans major planted in Luoning County of He 'nan Province were analyzed. [Result] In the growth process,with the increase of age,the growth rates of DBH,tree height and volume of the three species showed a tendency of decrease and the growth rates were basically stable afterthe 14 years-old. The breast height form are 0. 37- 0. 42,so the trunk of the three species are straight. The fast growing period of DBH of ‘Zhongningqi'and J. hindsii is the 2nd to the 8th year,and that of J. major is the 2nd to the 10 th year. The total DBH increment and average annual increment of ‘Zhongningqi'are the highest,which are 36. 68 cm and 1. 59 cm respectively. The fast-growing period of the tree height could last for 8 years. The total growth of timber volume increment and average annual increment are keeping until the 23 rd year,but the peak value of annual increment of timber volume does not reach the quantitative maturity then. The total timber volume increment and average annual increment of ‘Zhongningqi'are the highest,with 0. 49 m3 and 0. 02 m3 respectively.[Conclusion]As the rootstock,‘Zhongningqi'can be used for fast-growing and high-quality timber species and it is a good choice for cultivating big diameter wood. Meanwhile,‘Zhongningqi'will play an important role for cultivating high-grade furniture material.



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