毛乌素沙地油蒿群落不同演替阶段的物种多样性研究 被引量:14
Species iversities of different succesion stages of Artemisia ordosica community in Mu Us Sandyland
英文题名:Species iversities of different succesion stages of Artemisia ordosica community in Mu Us Sandyland
外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
外文关键词:Artemisia ordosica community; species composition; diversity; Mu Us Sandyland
摘要:油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)是毛乌素沙地分布最广的沙生植被,具有适应干旱环境的生态-生物学特征,是毛乌素沙地最主要的建群种之一,研究油蒿群落不同演替阶段的物种多样性特征,对沙地退化生态系统的恢复和生物多样性保护具有重要意义。通过野外调查,以物种重要值信息为指标,采用TWINSPAN数量分类方法,将油蒿群落划分为:油蒿+沙米群落、油蒿+虫实/沙米群落、油蒿+以沙生植物为主的杂类草群落、油蒿+杂类草/禾草群落、油蒿+以中生植物为主的杂类草群落共5个群落类型,对不同类型中出现的物种数量、物种多样性及类型间的物种变化趋势和相似性进行分析和探讨。研究结果表明:从油蒿+沙米群落到油蒿+杂类草、禾草群落,群落盖度逐渐增加,物种数量逐渐增多,物种多样性逐渐提高,群落物种呈现出向中生植物过渡的趋势,此外所在生境也呈现出由流动沙地向半固定和固定沙地方向发展的趋势,故而认为油蒿+杂类草/禾草群落是油蒿群落演替过程中相对稳定的群落,也即油蒿群落的成熟期。从油蒿+沙米群落到油蒿+杂类草/禾草群落是沙地植被自然恢复的过程,即油蒿沙地的顺行演替过程。从油蒿+虫实/沙米群落到油蒿+以沙生植物为主的杂类草群落,物种组成发生了明显变化,群落间物种相似性最小,变异程度最大,故而认为这个阶段是植被自然恢复过程的关键时期,也是从流动沙地向半固定和固定沙地转变的关键阶段。此外研究还发现,在判断油蒿群落的恢复程度时,物种多样性指标同群落物种数量以及建群种的盖度结合起来使用能取得更好的效果。
Artemisia ordosica is one of the psammophytes distributes widely in Mu Us Sandyland,which is adaptive to the drought environment with special ecological and biological characteristics,and it is one of the most important constructive species in Mu Us Sandyland.It is a great signality to degradation ecosystem restoration and species diversity protection to research the diversity characteristic on different succession stages of Artemisia ordosica community.Based on the field data,the species importance value was calculated.The Artemisia ordosica communities were divided into five types:Artemisia ordosica+Agriophyllum pungens community,Artemisia ordosica+Agriophyllum pungens,Corispermum heptapotamicum community,Artemisia ordosica+herbage layer dominated by psammophyte community,Artemisia ordosica+forbs and grasses community and Artemisia ordosica+herbage layer dominated by mesophyte community with the numerical classification methods.The species abundance,species diversity and changes comparability between different community types have been analyzed and discussed.Results show that from Artemisia ordosica+Agriophyllum pungens community to Artemisia ordosica+herbage layer dominated by mesophyte community,the community coverage and species abundance increases,species are changing from arenicolous to mesophilous,even the micro-environment is showing itself the trend from the drifting to semi-fixed and fixed sands.So the Artemisia ordosica+forbs and grasses community type was considered as the steady stages in different succession stages of Artemisia ordosica community,which means it is the mature phase.From the Artemisia ordosica+Agriophyllum pungens community type to Artemisia ordosica+forbs and grasses community type is the sandyland vegetation restoration process,and is the sequential succession process.In this process,vegetation structure is trending to be more complicated,the diversity and coverage of communities is increasing gradually.Also the results find that there is great species changes during the phases from Artemisia ordosica+Agriophyllum pungens,Corispermum heptapotamicum community type to Artemisia ordosica+ herbage layer dominated by psammophyte community type,the comparability between the two types is great,so it is considered as the most important phase during the vegetation restoration process and the is the key time for sand fixing.In the end it is considered that the better effect can been achieved to combine the diversity index with the species abundance constructive coverage to judge the sandy vegetation restoration degree.