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青斑蝶雄成虫内生殖器官的形态与发育     被引量:2

Morphology and Development of Reproductive System of Male Adult Tirumala limniace(Cramer)



英文题名:Morphology and Development of Reproductive System of Male Adult Tirumala limniace(Cramer)

作者:刘微芬[1,2] 廖怀建[1,2] 刘宏屏[1,2] 石雷[1,2] 杜婷[1,2] 周成理[1,2] 邓疆[1,2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Tirumala limniace(Cramer); testis; spermatogenesis; development grading


摘要:[目的]研究雄青斑蝶内生殖器官的形态与发育,可以为青斑蝶的人工繁殖提供理论指导。[方法]采用生殖系统解剖的方法,观察了1 12日龄青斑蝶雄成虫内生殖器官的结构组成,测定了内生殖器官的数值特征参数,并根据内生殖器官各组成部分的特征对雄性内生殖器官的发育进行了分级,以期系统了解青斑蝶雄成虫内生殖器官的形态与发育。[结果]1)雄性青斑蝶的内生殖器官包括1个精巢、2个贮精囊、1对输精管、1对复射精管、1条单射精管和附腺;2)复射精管的直径和单射精管的长度都随日龄的增大而增大;3)随着成虫日龄的增加,精巢中精子束的长度持续变长,贮精囊中的精子束长度在7日龄前快速变长且之后长度趋于稳定;4)随着日龄的增长,雄蝶精巢中精子束的数量逐渐减少,贮精囊中的精子束数量在1 7日龄时逐渐增加,之后维持稳定;复射精管中精子束数量则随着日龄的增长而逐渐增多;5)根据贮精囊和复射精管的发育特征,雄虫的内生殖器官的发育可分为:乳白透明期、精子束输送生长期、精子束大量输送成熟期、精子束补充期。[结论]雄青斑蝶内生殖器官的结构组成与其他蝴蝶相同;精子束在成虫6日龄时发育成熟,并依次释放至贮精囊、复射精管中;青斑蝶雄性内生殖器官的发育可划分为四个发育阶段。
[Objective]To study the morphology and development of internal reproductive organs of Tirumala limniace so that to provide theoretical guidance for the artificial breeding of T. limniace. [Methods]By anatomy method,the morphologies of internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace with ages from one-to twelve-day-old were observed,in the meanwhile,the numerical characteristic parameters were measured,and the development of internal reproductive organs was graded according to the characteristics of each organ so as to understand the morphologies and development of internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace systematically. [Results]( 1) The internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace contain one testis,two vesicula seminalis,a pair of vas deferens,a pair of ejaculatory duct duplex,an ejaculatory duct simplex and accessory gland.( 2) With the increase of age,the diameter of ejaculatory duct duplex and the length of ejaculatory duct simplex increased.( 3) The length of sperm bundles in testis sustainable increased with the age increased,the length of sperm bundles in vesicula seminalis increased constantly before 7-day-old and tended to stability then.( 4) With age increasing,the number of sperm bundles intestis decreased gradually,that in vesicula seminalis increased gradually from 1-to 7-day-old and maintained stability after 7 days,and that in ejaculatory duct duplex increased gradually.( 5) The development of internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace could be divided into 4 grades,i. e. milky and translucent stage,transporting and growing of sperm bundle stage,mass transporting and maturing of sperm bundles stage,and replenishing of sperm bundle stage,based on the developmental characteristics of vesicula seminalis and ejaculatory duct duplex. [Conclusion]The internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace were the same as that of other butterflies; the sperms matured at 6-day-old,and were released to vesicula seminalis and ejaculatory duct duplex in turn,then joined in fertilization. In this study,the developmental process of the internal reproductive organs of male T. limniace was divided into 4 grades for the first time.



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