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The influence of vacuum heat treatment on the pore structure of earlywood and latewood of larch  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:1


英文题名:The influence of vacuum heat treatment on the pore structure of earlywood and latewood of larch

作者:Sun, Bailing[1] Su, Yingying[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Chai, Yubo[1]


通信作者:Chai, YB[1]

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Wood Ind, Dong Xiao Fu 1, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China




基金:The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (no. 31901244).


外文关键词:early and late larch wood; mercury intrusion porosimetry; nitrogen adsorption; pore structure; vacuum heat treatment

摘要:To investigate the changes in the pore structure of earlywood and latewood (EW and LW) in larch during the heat treatment process, this study applied nitrogen adsorption and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) to measure wood pore characteristics. Wood samples were heat treated within a vacuum atmosphere at temperatures between 180 and 220 degrees C for 6 h. Analysis conducted on nitrogen adsorption isotherms indicated that the micropores and mesopores in the cell walls were present in both untreated and heat-treated EW and LW, and that the mesopores appeared as slit-shaped pores. More pores were detected in EW compared to LW, and these primarily absorbed in the range of 1.5-4 nm. Compared with the untreated wood, the total pore volume of treated wood decreased with increasing temperatures, with decreased pore volumes at 220 degrees C of 63 and 42% for EW and LW, respectively. The MIP results showed a greater porosity of EW compared to LW. Compared with the untreated wood, the porosity of heat-treated EW and LW first increased with increasing temperature, and then decreased at 220 degrees C. For treatment temperatures lower than 200 degrees C, heat treatment increased the proportion of macropores with pore sizes in the ranges of 100-1000 nm and 10,000-40,000 nm.



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