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潮汐流人工湿地的除氮效果及影响因素  ( EI收录)   被引量:12

Depth Variations and Factors Influencing Nitrogen Removal in Tidal Flow Constructed Wetlands



英文题名:Depth Variations and Factors Influencing Nitrogen Removal in Tidal Flow Constructed Wetlands

作者:张亚琼[1,2] 崔丽娟[1,2] 李伟[1,2] 李凯[1,2]


通信作者:Cui, Lijuan







外文期刊名:Research of Environmental Sciences





外文关键词:tidal flow; continuous flow; constructed wetland; nitrogen removal; depth


摘要:为研究TF-CW(tidal flow constructed wetland,潮汐流人工湿地)的除氮效果及其主要影响因素,以连续流模拟装置(A组)为对照,设置3种潮汐进水方式〔RAT(闲置时间∶反应时间)分别为1∶1、1∶2、2∶1,依次记做B组、C组、D组〕,运行175 d,分析不同进水方式下TF-CW模拟装置对TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N、TOC的去除效果及其在不同处理深度上的变化.结果表明:A、B、C、D组TN平均去除率分别为82.41%±4.84%、84.82%±5.09%、86.09%±3.99%、90.23%±3.05%.A组TN和NH4+-N的去除效果与B、C、D组均差异显著(P〈0.05),其中D组TN和NH4+-N的去除效果均最好;A组对NO3--N的总体去除效果较优;RAT并不影响TOC的去除率.不同进水方式下,NH4+-N的去除率均在0~15 cm深度内最大,ρ(TOC)处于较低水平(0~20 mg/L),二者均随处理深度的不断增加而逐渐下降;ρ(NO3--N)在0~15 cm深度内迅速上升.随着闲置时间的增加,ρ(DO)逐渐升高.TN和NH4+-N的去除率随着运行时间的增加基本保持恒定,主要影响因子有ρ(DO)、RAT、ORP(oxidation reduction potential,氧化还原电位)和ρ(TOC);而NO3--N的去除率随着运行时间的增加而逐渐降低,其主要影响因子有p H、电导率和水温等.
To study the main nitrogen removal factors in a tidal flow constructed wetland( TF-CW),idle/response times( RAT) for three different water input scenarios of TF-CWs( 1∶ 1( B),1∶ 2( C) and 2∶ 1( D)) were compared for a continuous flow wetland versus a control group( A). After running the experiment for 175 days,the removal efficiencies and depth variations of the total nitrogen( TN),ammonium nitrogen( NH4+-N),nitrate nitrogen( NO3--N) and total organic carbon( TOC) were analyzed. The results showed that the average TN removal rate was 82. 41% ± 4. 84% for A,and 84. 82% ± 5. 09%,86. 09% ± 3. 99% and 90. 23% ± 3. 05% for the three TF-CWs,B,C and D,respectively. Significant differences existed between the control( A) and the TF-CWs( B,C and D; P 0. 05).Scenario D was the most efficient for TN and NH4+-N removal. The control( A) showed higher removal efficiency for NO3--N. In general,the idle/reaction time did not affect the removal rate of TOC. The NH4+-N removal rate was maximally efficient when the reaction depth ranged from 0 to 15 cm,and with increasing depth the removal rate slowed. The stage also showed rapidly rising ρ( NO3--N),whereas ρ( TOC) was lower( 0-20 mg/L) and further decreased with depth. A longer idle time contributed to higher ρ of dissolved oxygen( DO). The TN and NH4+-N removal rates did not significantly temporally vary in the TF-CWs. The main factors affecting the removal of TN and NH4+-N included DO, idle/response time, oxidation reduction potential( ORP) and TOC. The NO3--N removal rate became slower as the time increased, while the other main factors that influenced its removal rate included p H,conductivity and water temperature.



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