不同硼条件黑木相思生长特性及异速生长分析 被引量:4
Growth characteristics and allometric analysis of Acacia melanoxylon under different boron conditions
英文题名:Growth characteristics and allometric analysis of Acacia melanoxylon under different boron conditions
作者:陈朝黎[1,2] 曾炳山[1] 裘珍飞[1] 李湘阳[1] 胡冰[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Forest and Environment
外文关键词:boric fertilizer;Acacia melanoxylon;growth characteristic;nutrient element;correlation analysis;allometry
摘要:为研究不同硼条件对黑木相思生长特性的影响,以黑木相思人工林为材料,设置7个施硼量(0、2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0、12.5、15.0 g·株-1硼砂)处理,分析不同施硼量对土壤有效硼含量、不同林龄(1.5和3.0 a)植株株高、胸径、主梢发育和叶片营养元素含量等指标的影响,通过相关性和异速生长指数分析,研究黑木相思生长特性对不同硼条件的响应模式。结果表明:施硼肥可以补充试验地土层中有效硼的含量;不施硼或施硼量大于12.5 g·株^(-1)时,会抑制黑木相思的生长;当施硼量超过7.5 g·株^(-1)时,可以缓解林龄3.0 a黑木相思主梢枯萎的症状;施硼量的增加可以促进叶片硼和磷元素的积累,但过量的硼会抑制氮、钾、钙元素的积累;施硼量与黑木相思叶片中硼元素的含量极显著正相关(P<0.01),与枯梢植株比例和枯梢长度极显著负相关(P<0.01);植株株高与胸径、枯梢植株比例与枯梢长度均为极显著正相关(P<0.01);叶片中磷与氮、钾元素之间为显著(P<0.05)或极显著正相关(P<0.01),钙与磷、钾之间为极显著负相关(P<0.01);异速生长分析得出,不同林龄黑木相思的株高生长速率均低于胸径;施硼肥7.5 g·株^(-1)时,不同林龄黑木相思的株高与胸径的异速生长指数较大。总之,在该试验区施7.5 g·株^(-1)的硼肥可以较好地促进黑木相思的生长发育及营养资源的合理分配。
In this study, seven boron application rates(0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, and 15.0 g·plant^(-1)borax) were tested on an Acacia melanoxylon plantation to explore the effects of boron fertilizer on its growth characteristics. The impact of different boron application levels on soil available boron content, plant height, and diameter at breast height(DBH) growth of 1.5-and 3.0-year-old plants, main shoot development, and leaf nutrient content were analyzed. Additionally, the response of A. melanoxylon to different boron application levels was studied by correlation and allometric index analysis. The results showed that applying borax fertilizer could increase the content of available boron in the soil layer. Applying no borax or exceeding 12.5 g·plant^(-1) could slow down the growth of A. melanoxylon. A borax application amount of > 7.5 g·plant^(-1) alleviated the symptoms of withered main shoot of 3.0-year-old A. melanoxylon. The increase in boron application promoted the accumulation of boron and phosphorus in leaves, but excessive boron inhibited the accumulation of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium. A highly significant(P<0.01) positive correlation was observed between the amount of borax applied and the content of boron in the leaves, and a highly significant(P<0.01) negative correlation was found between the amount of borax applied and the proportion or length of the withered main shoot of A. melanoxylon. Plant height was highly significantly(P<0.01) correlated with the DBH. The ratio of the withered plant was highly significantly(P<0.01) correlated with the length of the withered main shoot. Furthermore, there was a significant(P<0.05) or highly significant(P<0.01) positive correlation between phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in leaves, and a highly significant(P<0.01) negative correlation between calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. The allometric analysis showed that the growth rate of the height of A. melanoxylon with different forest ages was lower than that of DBH. When 7.5 g·plant^(-1) borax was applied, the allometric growth index of plant height and DBH of A. melanoxylon of different forest ages were more extensive. In conclusion, the application of 7.5 g·plant-1borax fertilizer in this experimental area can promote the growth, development, and rational allocation of growth resources of A. melanoxylon.