单叶省藤组培家系的生长特性分析 被引量:5
An Analysis on Growth Character of Tissue Culture Families of Calamus simplicifolius
英文题名:An Analysis on Growth Character of Tissue Culture Families of Calamus simplicifolius
作者:杨锦昌[1] 许煌灿[1] 尹光天[1] 曾炳山[1] 冯昌林[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Calamus simplicifolius; tissue culture family; growth character; suckering ability
摘要:The growth character of 4 tube seedling families, namely, CS3, CS5, CS10 and CS11 of Calamus simplicifolius was analyzed through the comparitive experiment with normal seedlings(CK). The result showed that at the age of 1, the seedling’ height of CS3 and CS5 was higher than that of both CS10 and CS11, gaining highly significant difference while the height of CS10 and CS11 was higher than that of CK at significant and extremely significant level respectively. After afforestation, the survival rate of 4 families decreased rapidly at first, and then decreasing gradually slow down, finally, the rate kept steady with year increasing. Survival rate varied a bit, but no significant difference was found among families. Tissue culture families started to sucker more identically and earlier than normal seedlings. As for suckering rate and mean number of sucker shoot, tissue culture families were higher than normal seedlings, and then the sequence of suckering ability, CS11>CS10>CS5>CS3 was arranged. The total stem number of the clump was consistent with suckering ability among families where CS11 was the largest, CS10 and CS5 was larger, and CS3 as well as CK was the smallest, but no significant difference appeared. Mean length of mother stem and mean total length of rattan clump differed significantly at the level of 0.05 and 0.01 among families. Based on the variance analysis and multiple comparisons, two types of tissue culture families, superior type and common one were classified.
The growth character of 4 tube seedling families, namely, CS3, CS5, CS10 and CS11 of Calamus simplicifolius was analyzed through the comparitive experiment with normal seedlings(CK). The result showed that at the age of 1, the seedling' height of CS3 and CS5 was higher than that of both CS10 and CS11, gaining highly significant difference while the height of CS10 and CS11 was higher than that of CK at significant and extremely significant level respectively. After afforestation, the survival rate of 4 families decreased rapidly at first, and then decreasing gradually slow down, finally, the rate kept steady with year increasing. Survival rate varied a bit, but no significant difference was found among families. Tissue culture families started to sucker more identically and earlier than normal seedlings. As for suckering rate and mean number of sucker shoot, tissue culture families were higher than normal seedlings, and then the sequence of suckering ability, CSI 1 〉 CS10 〉 CS5 〉 CS3 was arranged. The total stem number of the clump was consistent with suckering ability among families where CSII was the largest, CS10 and CS5 was larger, and CS3 as well as CK was the smallest, but no significant difference appeared. Mean length of mother stem and mean total length of rattan clump differed significantly at the level of 0.05 and 0.01 among families. Based on the variance analysis and multiple comparisons, two types of tissue culture families, superior type and common one were classified.