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木竹产品碳足迹评价研究进展  ( EI收录)  

Research Progress for Carbon Footprint Assessment of Wood and Bamboo Products



英文题名:Research Progress for Carbon Footprint Assessment of Wood and Bamboo Products

作者:劳万里[1] 李晓玲[1] 段新芳[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:carbon footprint;life cycle;carbon storage;wood-based products;bamboo products


摘要:气候变化是全球治理的一个重要方面,评估人类活动引起的温室气体排放量是应对气候变化的基础性工作,受到世界各国政府、科研机构和企业广泛关注。随着我国“碳达峰”“碳中和”(简称“双碳”)目标的提出以及相关政策的落地实施,碳足迹作为温室气体排放测度指标,其重要性日益凸显。开展木竹产品碳足迹评价是我国木竹加工企业落实国家“双碳”目标的核心工作,对木竹产业低碳高质量发展亦具有重要意义。本文全面分析锯材、改性材、人造板及其制品、结构用集成材和胶合木等主要木竹产品碳足迹评价的研究现状,以及碳足迹评价方法的研究进展。目前,生命周期评价法是国际主流的碳足迹评价方法,依据的标准主要为ISO/TS 14067、GHG Protocol和PAS 2050;在木竹产品中储存的生物碳及其延迟碳排放效应的评估方法,以及计入产品碳足迹评价结果的形式等方面尚未形成国际共识;因不同国家木竹加工技术水平和能源结构有所不同,同一类别产品碳足迹差异显著。此外,不同科研人员采用的评价标准和研究假设等各异,导致同一产品碳足迹评价结果可比性不强。未来应:1)研制木竹产品延迟碳排放效应的评估方法,科学量化木竹产品对应对气候变化的积极贡献;2)制定适于木竹产品碳足迹评价国际统一的产品种类规则,进一步增强碳足迹核算结果的可比性,推动木竹产品碳足迹评价结果国际互认;3)建立木竹产品全生命周期回溯跟踪体系,助力木竹产品全生命周期碳足迹评价工作的顺利开展;4)构建契合我国木竹产业特点全国统一的碳排放因子数据库,为准确计量木竹产品碳足迹提供数据支撑。
Climate change is an important aspect of global governance,assessing greenhouse gas emissions from human activities is key to address climate change,which has gained more and more attention by governments,scientific research institutions and enterprises all over the world.China has proposed a goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality(“double carbon”goal).In this context,as a measure of greenhouse gas emissions,carbon footprint is becoming increasingly important.Evaluating the carbon footprint of wood and bamboo products is very important for China's wood and bamboo processing enterprises to implement the national“double carbon”goal,which plays an important role in promoting low-carbon and high-quality development.Research status of carbon footprint evaluation for sawn lumber,modified wood,wood-based panels and their products,glued laminated timber,cross laminated timber,and other wood and bamboo products were summarized.And the recent progress of evaluation methods was also analyzed.At present,life cycle assessment method is widely used to assess carbon footprint of wood and bamboo products globally.The standards for carbon footprint assessment are mainly ISO/TS 14067,GHG Protocol and PAS 2050.There is no international consensus on the assessment methods of biological carbon storage and its delayed carbon emission in wood and bamboo products,as well as the content of carbon footprint evaluation results.Due to the differences in wood and bamboo processing technology of different countries,the carbon footprint assessment results of the same product are significantly different.In addition,researchers often use different standards and hypotheses in carbon footprint evaluation,resulting in low comparability of the results for same product.Finally,we put forward four research topics which should be solved in the future:1)In-depth study on the accounting methodologies of biological carbon storage and its delayed carbon emission to scientifically quantify the positive contribution of wood and bamboo products to climate change mitigation.2)The formulation of international unified product category rules which is suitable for carbon footprint evaluation of wood and bamboo products,to further enhance the comparability of carbon footprint accounting results and promote the international mutual recognition of the results.3)The establishment of a tracking system for the whole life cycle of wood and bamboo products is urgently needed to provide reference for the full life cycle carbon footprint assessment of wood and bamboo products.4)Building a nationwide unified carbon emission factor database for China wood and bamboo industry,in order to provide fundamental data support for accurately measuring the carbon footprint of wood and bamboo products.



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