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基于开场试验的森林环境保健功能研究     被引量:7

The Research of Health Function in Forest Environment Based on Open Field Test



英文题名:The Research of Health Function in Forest Environment Based on Open Field Test

作者:王艳英[1,2] 王成[2] 董建文[3] 董建华[4] 王茜[2] 傅伟聪[3]








外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences





外文关键词:open-field test;locomotor activity;outdoor simulation;forest bathing


摘要:对森林环境的保健功能进行研究,可为生态旅游资源的开发提供理论基础。采用开场试验(OFT),对在森林和室内环境中生活的小白鼠行为学指标变化进行分析,研究森林环境对小白鼠自发行为的影响,进而综合评价森林环境的保健功能。结果表明,(1)常绿阔叶混交林和柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)林的群落结构组成有很大的不同,但其林分环境对小鼠自发行为的动物验证具有很多类似的规律,试验组和对照组小鼠自发活动指标呈阶段性变化,初期差异不显著,但随环境因子影响的累积,中后期差异明显。(2)以柳杉林和常绿阔叶混交林中的小白鼠与对照组自发活动指标差距最大值来看,其运动总路程比对照组分别要高31.49%(P=0.009)和46.64%(P=0.031),小鼠中央格运动路程、穿越次数、站立次数分别是对照组的2.58倍(P=0.016)和1.98倍(P=0.009)、2.24倍(P=0.011)和1.42倍(P=0.035)、1.41倍(P=0.007)和1.41倍(P=0.019);边角活动时间分别比对照组要少7.1%(P=0.004)和7.81%(P=0.007);小鼠的体质量分别为对照组的1.27(P=0.000)和1.15倍(P=0.029),小鼠的粪便粒数分别比对照组要少30.1%和30.2%,降低幅度都远远大于对照组。(3)福州旗山森林环境对提高小鼠的兴奋性、增加小鼠的探索认知能力、缓解焦虑状态、增强食欲等方面有促进作用。
In order to exploit forest tourism resources, and then Providing a theoretical basis for the development of eco-tourism resources, let green forest environment service public. Using OFT and effect of the forest environment factor on mice were examined to evaluate the health functions of forest environment, the behavioral indices of mice in the forests and indoor environment were analyzed. The results showed that, (1) Evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest andcryptomeria forest are very different community structure, but there are much similar variation on animal spontaneous behavior. spontaneous activity index of Experimental group and its corresponding control group mice Presented step change, the difference was not significant in the early stages, but difference was significant in the medium and late stages with the cumulative impact of environmental factors. (2) Using the most significant difference Data for comparison, the total distances of test group were 31.49% (P=0.009) and 46.64% (P=0.031) larger than their corresponding group respectively. The central grid distance and the frequency through the central grid and the frequency of standing of test group were respectively 2.58 (P=0.016) and 1.98 (P=0.009); 2.24 (P=0.011) and 1.42 (P=0.035); 1.41 (0.007) and 1.41 (P=0.019) times of those about corresponding control group. The time of activity in the corners and walls were respectively 7.1% (P=0.004) and 7.81 (P=0.007) less than corresponding control group. The body mass of test group were respectively 1.27 (P=0.00) and 1.15 (P=0.029) times of this about corresponding control group. The Fecal grains about test group were 30.1% and 30.2% less than corresponding control group, and decline range was much lower than corresponding control group. And (3)Cryptomeria for-tunei forest environment increased the excitability and cognitive ability of the mice, also was able to alleviate anxiety effectively, relax mental emotion and improve appetite of the mice.



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