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西鄂尔多斯荒漠夏季大气降水氢氧同位素特征与水汽来源     被引量:11

Characteristics of δD and δ^(18)O in Summer Precipitation in the West Ordos Desert and Its Water Vapor Sources



英文题名:Characteristics of δD and δ^(18)O in Summer Precipitation in the West Ordos Desert and Its Water Vapor Sources

作者:陈婕[1] 高德强[1] 徐庆[1] 郝玉光[2] 马迎宾[1,2] 张蓓蓓[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:West Ordos Desert; meteoric water; water resource; hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes


摘要:[目的]内蒙古西鄂尔多斯荒漠生态环境脆弱、气候变化较敏感,探究该地区大气降水氢氧稳定同位素组成及其水汽来源,对揭示我国西鄂尔多斯荒漠生态系统水循环过程、减缓或防止土地沙漠化和制定区域水资源合理利用策略等具有重要的理论意义。[方法]本研究运用稳定同位素技术,分析了西鄂尔多斯荒漠夏季大气降水的δD和δ18O组成、关系及其影响因素,同时,运用HYSPLIT气团轨迹模型判定了该地区夏季大气降水的水汽来源。[结果]西鄂尔多斯夏季大气降水氢氧稳定同位素关系为δD=7.287δ18O+1.170;大气降水δD(δ18O)与降水量呈负相关关系(P<0.05),与温度无显著相关性(P>0.05);大气降水过量氘(d-excess)均为正值且小于全球平均d值(10‰),表明该地区受到了海洋季风作用的影响;HYSPLIT气团轨迹模型得出西鄂尔多斯荒漠在6月和8月的水汽来源于大量局地蒸发和西北方向的水汽,特大暴雨(>30 mm)是受到东南季风的影响;而7月的水汽来源于东南和西南方向海洋性水汽团。[结论]西鄂尔多斯荒漠大气降水经历了一定程度的蒸发作用;西鄂尔多斯夏季降水量效应显著,温度效应不显著;夏季降水受到西北方向、东南和西南方向季风以及局地蒸发水汽的共同影响。
[Objective]The ecological environment and climate in the West Ordos Desert of Inner Mongolia is fragile and sensitive. Study on the hydrogen( δD) and oxygen( δ18O) stable isotopic compositions and sources of precipitation in the West Ordos Desert is theoretically important to reveal the process of hydrological cycle in the West Ordos Desert and develop strategies for reducing or preventing land desertification and the use of regional water resource. [Methods]By using stable isotope technique,the compositions and relationships of δD and δ18O in precipitation and the effect of climatic factors on them in West Ordos Desert in summer were analyzed. Furthermore,the water vapor sources were determined based on HYSPLIT model. [Results]The relationship of δD and δ18O in precipitation in summer was δD = 7. 287δ18O + 1. 170. An apparent inverse correlation between stable isotopes and precipitation existed in the West Ordos Desert in summer( P 〈0. 05),but no significant correlation was found between stable isotopes and temperature( P〉 0. 05). The d-excess was positive and less than the global average d-ex-cess( 10‰),indicating that the precipitation in the West Ordos Desert was affected by ocean monsoon. The results of air mass back trajectories of summer precipitation using the HYSPLIT model indicated a dominant effect of local evaporation and continental northwesterly monsoon air masses in June and August,an effect of southeasterly monsoon on heavy rainfall( 30 mm),and the co-influence of oceanic monsoons southeasterly and southwesterly air masses in July. [Conclusion]The precipitation in the West Ordos Desert experiences evaporation effect. Analysis of precipitation and temperature effects indicates that the "amount effect"exists significantly,whereas the "temperature effect"is not obvious during summer. The water vapor from continental northwesterly,oceanic monsoons southeasterly and southwesterly,and local evaporation collectively have influence on precipitation in summer in the West Ordos Desert.



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