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叶面滞尘量对大叶黄杨反射光谱的影响     被引量:9

Effect of Different Foliar Dust Contents on Reflectance Spectroscopy of Euonymus japonicus



英文题名:Effect of Different Foliar Dust Contents on Reflectance Spectroscopy of Euonymus japonicus

作者:吴春燕[1] 王雪峰[1]







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:haze; foliar dust; spectral reflectance; Euonymus japonicas


摘要:【目的】树木叶片表面的滞尘在一定程度上能反映周围环境的污染情况。试验对光谱检测中叶面滞尘的干扰进行初步定量探讨,为叶面滞尘对光谱反射的影响评价及建立修正模型提供方法参考。【方法】以中国林业科学研究院内大叶黄杨叶片为研究对象,采集叶片样本保鲜并速回室内进行试验。使用0.000 1 g高精度电子分析天平称叶片除尘前后的质量,计算叶面滞尘量;采用美国ASD公司生产的Field Spec3便携式近红外光谱仪测量叶片除尘前后的反射光谱,得出其差异。分析除尘前后叶片反射率、一阶导数光谱及红边参数特征的差异,比较不同滞尘量的叶片反射光谱,建立叶面滞尘量与叶片反射光谱之间的关系模型。【结果】叶片除尘前后的光谱反射率存在差异,在520-560 nm和760-850 nm叶片反射率大小分别为有尘叶片〉无尘叶片、有尘叶片〈无尘叶片;不同叶面滞尘量的反射光谱也不同,大叶黄杨叶片光谱反射率在可见光波段随着叶面滞尘量的增加逐渐增大,而近红外波段区域随着叶面滞尘量的增加逐渐减小;红边和黄边的位置、蓝边斜率和面积在除尘前后无变化,有尘叶片的蓝边位置较无尘叶片增大,黄、红两边斜率和黄、红两边面积均较无尘叶片减小;在5个光谱参数中,红边指数所建的叶面滞尘量预测模型的R2值最大为0.716,叶面滞尘量与光谱之间存在着一定的相关关系。【结论】叶面滞尘使得叶片在可见光波段的反射率增加,在近红外光区的反射率减小,这可能与叶片自身内部结构有一定的相关性;利用红边指数(SDr)作为参数可以在一定精度范围内预测大叶黄杨叶片表面滞尘量,简单比值指数与叶面滞尘量呈正相关。
【Objective】The dust on the surface of the leaves of trees can reflect the around environmental pollution in a certain extent. With the increasing of the degree of atmospheric pollution,the harm of haze weather becomes more severe.Therefore,haze becomes a high-profile word in modern society. Haze is mainly formed by atmospheric particles floating and crowding in the air. Atmospheric particles fall on the leaf surfaces through dry or wet deposition. After that,the foliar dust formed. The foliar dust has an impact on the spectra reflection of the leaves of trees and the plant physiological ecology. In this paper,we explored the relationship between foliar dust contents and reflection spectra of Euonymus japonicas. The prevention control strategy of haze and the correct remote sensing inversion were also introduced.【Method】The leaves of Euonymus japonicus growth at the academy of forestry were used as raw materials. The collecting leaves were fresh-keeping and took to indoors quickly. The weight of the leaves before and after cleaning was tested using a 1 /10 000 high precision electronic analytical balance. The differences of the weight are the weight of the foliar dust. The reflection spectrum of the leaves before and after cleaning was measured using a Field Spec3 Portable NIR spectrometer produced by the company of ASD( Analytical Spectral Device) of USA. The differences of the reflection spectrum were compared and analyzed. The differences of leaf reflectance before and after cleaning, and the first derivative spectrum and red edge parameter characteristics were compared and analyzed. The differences of leaf spectral reflectance between different amounts of dust was also compared,The relation model between foliar dust content and leaf spectral reflectance was established.【Result】Spectral reflectance of leaves before and after cleaning the dust is different. In the range of 520- 560 nm,the leafreflectance of dust leaves was higher than that of clean leaves. While in the range of 760- 850 nm,the leaf reflectance of dust leaves was less than that of clean leaves. The reflectance spectra of different foliar dust content is difference. The results suggest that the leaf spectral reflectance of Euonymus japonicus increased with the increasing of foliar dust content in visible band. However,the spectral reflectance decreased in near infrared region. No changes were found in red and yellow edge position,blue edge slope,and blue edge area. Compared with the clean leaves,the blue edge position of the dust leaves increased,the slope of yellow and red edge of the dust leaves decreased,the area of yellow and red edge of the dust leaves decreased. The R2 value of prediction model of foliar dust content being built with red edge index is the largest( 0. 716). A certain relationship between foliar dust content and spectrum were existed. 【Conclusion】The foliar dust increased the reflectance in visible light wave band,but decreased the reflectance at near infrared region. Certain correlation with leaves internal structure may exist. We can predict leaf surface dust content in a certain precision range by taking red edge index( SDr) as parameter. Simple ratio index is positively correlated with the content of foliar dust. The interference of spectrum detection by foliar dust has been preliminary quantitative discussed in this paper,which supplied a reference method for the future evaluation of foliar dust impact on the spectral reflectance and establish a modified model.



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