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金花茶组植物花色与细胞内重要环境因子的关系     被引量:7

Relationship between flower color and important cellular environment elemental factors in yellow Camellia



英文题名:Relationship between flower color and important cellular environment elemental factors in yellow Camellia

作者:姜丽娜[1] 李纪元[1] 童冉[1] 何丽波[1,3] 张蕾[1,2] 李志辉[4] 黄晓娜[4]













外文关键词:yellow Camellia;petal color;total flavonoids content;pH in cells;metal ion content


摘要:为研究金花茶组植物花色与细胞内重要环境因子的关系,该研究以花色不同的8个金花茶组物种的9个居群为材料,测定了其花瓣的颜色、总黄酮含量、含水量、细胞pH、7种金属离子浓度。结果表明:所测金花茶组植物的花色平均明度L*为80.82、色相a*为-2.88、色相b*为53.97、彩度C*为54.10、色相角h为93.19°,故金花茶花色为明度较亮的黄色,其中色相b*为描述黄色的主要指标,据此可将所测植物分为金黄、黄、浅黄3类。花瓣总黄酮含量为20.17%,花瓣含水量为88.14%,物种间均达到差异显著,且均与花色呈弱相关,对黄色呈现影响较小。花瓣细胞偏弱酸性,pH平均值为6.19,不同物种间差异显著,细胞pH与花色呈显著正相关,即中偏弱酸性细胞环境有利于金花茶花瓣黄色的呈现。金属离子浓度中,K+含量最高(12.61 mg·g-1),其他依次为Ca 2+(3.91 mg·g-1)、Mg 2+(1.28 mg·g-1)、Al 3+(0.98 mg·g-1)、Na+(0.17 mg·g-1)、Fe 3+(0.07 mg·g-1),Cu 2+含量最低(0.0038 mg·g-1),7种金属离子在所测植物间均存在显著差异,其中Al 3+、Fe 3+和Ca 2+对金花茶黄色花的形成具有不同程度的干扰作用,随着这3种金属离子浓度升高,黄度降低,花色变淡。因此,较低浓度的Al 3+、Fe 3+、Ca 2+可能更有利于金花茶黄色花的呈现。
In order to study the relationship between the flower color and cellular environment in yellow Camellia,nine populations of eight yellow Camellia species with different petal colors in Chrysantha sect.of genus Camellia were used as experimental materials to measure their petal color,total flavonoids content,water content,cell pH as well as seven kinds of metal ion contents.The results showed that the average value of lightness L*,hue a*,hue b*,saturation C*,hue angle h was 80.82,-2.88,53.97,54.10,93.19°,respectively,and the petal color of yellow Camellia was regarded as a kind of color of bright yellow in flowers,and the species could be divided into three categories in terms of hue b*value as the major index of measurement of yellow color,golden yellow,yellow and light yellow.The contents of total flavonoids and water in petals were 20.17%and 88.14%respectively.Both of them were significant among different species and not closely related to petal color,and thus they were not be regarded as the fatal factors in determining color of yellow Camellia.The pH in petal cells was 6.19 in average and significant among the species.But the pH in petal cells was found to be positively correlated with petal colors,which indicates that the slightly weak acidic environment may be helpful to phenotypic expression of yellow color in these Camellia flowers.The metal ion concentration of K+was found to be the highest(12.61 mg·g-1),and then ranked by Ca 2+(3.91 mg·g-1),Mg 2+(1.28 mg·g-1),Al 3+(0.98 mg·g-1),Na+(0.17 mg·g-1),Fe 3+(0.07 mg·g-1),the lowest value was Cu 2+(0.0038 mg·g-1).There were significant differences for seven kinds of metal ions among these species.Besides the three kinds of Al 3+,Fe 3+and Ca 2+interfere with petal colors to some extent,and it seems that the higher the concentration,the lighter the yellow color in high concentration.Therefore,low concentration of Al 3+,Fe 3+and Ca 2+may be beneficial for the color appearance of yellow Camellia.



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