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木材密度和含水率对其轴向超声波传播速度的影响  ( EI收录)   被引量:14

Influence of Density and Moisture Content on Ultrasound Velocities along the Longitudinal Direction in Wood



英文题名:Influence of Density and Moisture Content on Ultrasound Velocities along the Longitudinal Direction in Wood

作者:彭辉[1] 蒋佳荔[1] 詹天翼[1] 吕建雄[1]


通信作者:Jiang, Jiali







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:ultrasound wave; wood density; equilibrium moisture content; longitudinal ultrasound velocities


摘要:【目的】研究木材密度和含水率对其轴向超声波传播速度的影响及其规律,为木材超声波无损检测技术的应用提供理论依据。【方法】采用超声波探伤仪Epoch XT对6个树种木材(3种针叶材:杉木、红松和樟子松,3种阔叶材:核桃楸、白桦和蒙古栎)在不同相对湿度环境(20℃,50%RH,65%RH,85%RH和95%RH)达平衡含水率的木材试样轴向声速进行测定,分析木材密度和含水率对其轴向声速的影响,探讨含水率的增加在不同树种木材间引起轴向声速降低量的差异及其原因。【结果】6个树种木材在同一相对湿度下的平衡含水率存在差异,随着相对湿度增加,不同树种木材之间平衡含水率的差异增大。3种阔叶材的绝干密度均高于3种针叶材,但阔叶材与针叶材之间轴向声速的比较没有发现规律性;对于单一树种木材而言,其绝干密度与轴向声速之间的相关性不显著,决定系数R^2均低于0.24;对6个树种木材的绝干密度与轴向声速之间的关系进行统一分析,结果发现木材轴向声速随绝干密度的增加总体上呈降低的变化趋势,但二者之间无显著相关性,决定系数R^2仅为0.42。6个树种木材的轴向声速均随含水率的增加呈线性减小的变化趋势,线性回归的决定系数R^2均大于0.91;与3种阔叶材相比,3种针叶材之间"单位含水率的轴向声速降低量"的差异程度较小:针叶材中红松与樟子松单位含水率的轴向声速降低量几乎相等,分别为42.6 m·m^(-1)%^(-1)和42.4 m·m^(-1)%^(-1),杉木单位含水率的轴向声速降低量最小,为38.1 m·m^(-1)%^(-1);阔叶材中蒙古栎单位含水率的轴向声速降低量最大,为55.4 m·m^(-1)%^(-1),约为白桦(23.1 m·m^(-1)%^(-1))的2.4倍。【结论】无论是对单一树种木材还是6个树种木材的综合分析,结果均表明,木材绝干密度与其轴向声速之间无显著相关性。超声波沿木材轴向的传播速度不能仅用密度单一因子来预测,其在很大程度上还取决于木材的组织构造特点,如管胞、导管和木纤维的长度以及木射线比率等。在纤维饱和点以下,6个树种木材的轴向声速均随含水率的增加呈线性减小的变化趋势。吸着水增多使得木材细胞壁实质的声阻增加是引起木材轴向声速与含水率呈负相关的原因。此外,木材组织构造与细胞类型的差异、抽提物含量的高低、侵填体的有无以及木射线比率等均可能是引起不同树种木材之间"单位含水率的轴向声速降低量"存在差异的原因。
【Objective】The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of density and moisture content( MC) on ultrasound velocities along the longitudinal direction in wood. 【Method 】 Epoch XT device was used to measure the longitudinal ultrasound velocities of six species wood( softwood: Chinese fir, Red pine, Mongolian scotch pine;Hardwood: Manchurian walnut,Asian white birch,Mongolian oak) with equilibrium moisture content( EMC) obtained at different relative humidity levels( 20 ℃,50%,65%,85% and 90% RH). The relationships between longitudinal ultrasound velocities and wood oven-dried density or MC were analyzed,respectively. The decrement of longitudinal ultrasound velocities per unit MC of six species wood were compared with each other as well.【Result】For given RH,the EMC varied among six species wood,and the degree of variance increased with the increasing RH. The oven-dried density of the three hardwood species were higher than that of the three softwood species,but this trend was not found in longitudinal ultrasound velocities. The relationship between wood oven-dried density and longitudinal ultrasound velocitieswas analyzed in two different manners: for each species and all six species. The results showed that longitudinal ultrasound velocities were not dependent on oven-dried density for each species wood,and the coefficients of determination R-2 were below 0. 24. When six species wood were considered together,longitudinal ultrasound velocities tended to decrease with the increasing oven-dried density,but this tendency was not significant either,the coefficient of determination in this case was found to be only 0. 42. Longitudinal ultrasound velocities decreased linearly as MC increased,the coefficient of determination R-2 was above 0. 91. While less difference among softwoods was observed on decrement of longitudinal ultrasound velocities per unit MC,as compared to hardwoods. For softwoods,the decrement of longitudinal ultrasound velocities per unit MC was almost the same for Red pine and Mongolian scotch pine,which value was 42. 6 m·m-(-1)%-(-1)and 42. 4 m·m-(-1)%-(-1),respectively,and the value of Chinese fir was the lowest,38. 1 m·m-(-1)%-(-1). For hardwoods,the value of Mongolian oak( 55. 4 m·m-(-1)%-(-1)) was 2. 4 times higher than that of Asian white birch( 23. 1 m·m-(-1)%-(-1)).【Conclusion】No significant correlationship between longitudinal ultrasound velocities and wood oven-density was found in this study. It was hard to establish a direct dependence of density on longitudinal ultrasound velocities. The velocities of wave propagation in wood is probably much more affected by the microstructure of particular species,such as rays percentage,the length of tracheids,vessels and fibers. Below the fiber saturation point,as MC increased,longitudinal ultrasound velocities of six species wood decreased. It is attributed to the adsorbed water increasing the acoustic resistance of cell wall. Furthermore,microstructure,extractives,thyloses and rays percentage of particular species could be the major reasons for the differently influence of MC on six species wood longitudinal ultrasound velocities.



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