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杉木林土壤微生物区系对短期模拟氮沉降的响应     被引量:14

Response of Soil Microbe Flora to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition at a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata



英文题名:Response of Soil Microbe Flora to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition at a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata

作者:刘彩霞[1] 焦如珍[1] 董玉红[1] 孙启武[1] 李峰卿[2] 周新华[2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Cunninghamia lanceolata ; soil microbe ; nitrogen deposition; ammonia nitrogen ; nitrate nitrogen ; response


摘要:通过模拟氮沉降试验(设置2种氮形态5种施氮水平(N0、N1、N2、N3、N4分别代表0、20、40、60、80 kg·hm-2·a-1,共10个处理)研究杉木林土壤微生物区系的变化。结果表明:沉降第1年,高氮处理对微生物数量的影响较显著,氮处理时微生物数量的变化波动较大;沉降1年后,各处理的变化规律稳定,波动较小。12月份各处理间微生物数量和细菌数量变化幅度较小、氮处理对其影响不显著,故不宜在12月采集土样。氮沉降量影响微生物总量,总体而言低氮处理促进微生物生长,最高氮处理抑制微生物生长,NH4+-N2或N3和NO3--N3处理微生物总量最多。不同微生物类群对氮沉降形态和沉降量的响应不同,土壤细菌的变化规律和微生物数量的变化规律一致,低氮处理时,硝态氮处理对细菌数量生长的影响大于铵态氮处理,2种形态氮的N2或N3处理细菌数量最大。铵态氮比硝态氮更易影响真菌的生长,且NH4+-N1和NO3--N3处理真菌数量最多。不同氮沉降形态对放线菌数量影响显著,沉降1年后高氮沉降量对放线菌生长略有促进作用。
The response of soil microbe amount to simulated nitrogen deposition was analyzed by spread plate meth- od. Nitrogen loadings were designed at 2 nitrogen form and 5 levels as NO, N1, N2, N3 and N4 at the doses of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg hm-2 . a -1 respectively. The results indicated that: The first year of nitrogen deposition, high nitrogen level had more significant effect on the amount of microbial, the change range of others was larger. The second year of nitrogen deposition, there was no remarkable difference between treatments and the change range was smaller. There was no remarkable difference between all treatments and the change range was smaller in Decem- ber, so when we research the changing of total microbial, we should not collect soil samples in December. The ni- trogen deposition affect microorganisms. In general, low concentration of nitrogen deposition had promoting effect on the growth, while the highest concentration inhibited it NH4 ~ -N2 or N3 and NO3 -N3 were the optimal concentrations for the growth of total microbial. The microbe amount responded to N treatment in all groups of microbes, hut varied because of different bacteria group and nitrogen treatment level. The changing of bacterial is consistent with total microbial. At the beginning of natural nitrogen deposition, nitrate nitrogen deposition had greater effects on the amount of bacteria than ammonium did. N2 and N3 were the optimal concentrations for the growth of bacteria. The low concentration of nitrogen deposition had promoting effect on the growth of fungi, while high concentration inhibi- ted it. NH4 -N1 and NOs - N3 were the optimal concentrations for the growth of fungi. Ammonium nitrogen deposi- tion had greater effects on the amount of fungi than.nitrate did, After one year of nitrogen deposition, high nitrogen slightly promote the growth of actinomyces.



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