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盐碱胁迫对柳树幼苗生长和渗透调节物质含量的影响     被引量:70

Effects of saline-alkali stress on growth and osmotic adjustment substances in willow seedlings



英文题名:Effects of saline-alkali stress on growth and osmotic adjustment substances in willow seedlings

作者:李子英[1] 丛日春[1] 杨庆山[2] 周健[2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:saline-alkali stress; Salix psammophila ‘Yanliu NO. 1' ; growth; osmotic adjustment substances


摘要:以盐柳1号为试验材料,将2种中性盐NaCI、Na_2SO_4和2种碱性盐NaHCO_3、Na_2CO_3,按不同比例混合成A(NaCl∶Na_2SO_4∶NaHCO_3∶Na_2CO_3=1∶2∶1∶0)、B(NaCl∶Na_2SO_4∶NaHCO_3∶Na_2CO_3=1∶9∶9∶1)、C(NaCl∶Na_2SO_4∶NaHCO_3∶Na_2CO_3=1∶1∶1∶1)3种组合,设4个浓度梯度(50、100、150、200 mmol/L),模拟出12种盐度和碱度各不相同的盐碱条件,对盐柳1号幼苗进行处理,测定了株高生长量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量4项指标。结果表明:随着盐浓度的增大和碱性盐比例的增高,盐柳1号幼苗的株高生长量呈降低趋势,叶片MDA、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量则有不同程度的升高。A、B、C处理组的株高生长量在盐浓度200 mmo/L时分别相对CK降低了61.32%、68.67%、73.02%,差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05)。A处理组(pH值为8.04),随着盐浓度的增大,叶片MDA、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量升高趋势不明显;B处理组(pH值为8.66),叶片MDA含量在盐浓度超过100 mmol/L时呈显著升高趋势,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量在盐浓度超过150 mmol/L时急剧增加;C处理组(pH值为9.47),盐浓度大于150 mmol/L时,盐柳1号幼苗的叶片全部枯黄。综合分析结果表明,在混合盐碱胁迫下,盐柳1号幼苗的生长受到了不同程度的抑制;盐柳1号可以耐受不超过100 mmol/L的3种组分盐碱胁迫,且盐浓度>150 mmol/L、pH>9.51的盐碱条件不适宜盐柳1号的生长。
Previous studies on response to salt stress in willows have focused mainly on the physiological response to single-salt stress; however, response to complex saline-alkali stress in willows has rarely been reported. The present study explored the physiological resistance characteristics of willow under complex saline-alkali stress, to provide a theoretical basis for willow cultivation in saline-alkali soils. The effects of complex saline-alkali stress on growth and osmotic adjustment substances were studied using willow (Salix psammophila ‘Yanliu NO. 1’) seedlings. The seedlings were treated with 12 types of saline-alkali stress with different salinity and alkalinity levels, simulated by two neutral salts (NaCl and Na2SO4) and two alkali salts (NaHCO3 and Na2CO3) mixed in various proportions[A (NaCl:Na2SO4:NaHCO3:Na2CO3=1:2:1:0), B (NaCl:Na2SO4:NaHCO3:Na2CO3=1:9:9:1), and C (NaCl:Na2SO4:NaHCO3:Na2CO3=1:1:1:1)] and concentrations (50, 100, 150, and 200 mmol/L). Under these conditions, plant height increment and malondialdehyde (MDA), free proline, and soluble sugar content in leaves were measured. The results showed that salt concentration was the main factor driving growth in Yanliu NO. 1. With increasing salt concentration and proportion of alkaline salts, plant height increment of Yanliu NO. 1 showed a decreasing trend, whereas the leaf MDA, proline, and soluble sugar content increased in different degrees. At 200 mmol/L, plant height increment under treatments A, B, and C was significantly lower (P 〈 0.05) than that under the control treatment (CK, 0 mmol/L), by 61.32%, 68.67%, and 73.02%, respectively. The leaf content of MDA, proline and soluble sugar in Yanliu NO. 1 did not differ significantly with increasing salt concentration under treatment A (pH 8.04). Under treatment B (pH 8.66), the leaf MDA content showed a significantly increasing trend at salinity 〉 100 mmol/L, whereas the leaf content of proline and soluble sugar increased considerably at salinity 〉 150 mmol/L. Under treatment C (pH 9.47), the leaf content of MDA, proline and soluble sugar showed a small variation at salinity of 100 mmol/L, whereas the leaves withered at salinity 〉 150 mmol/L. The results of this comprehensive analysis indicated that (1) the growth of S. psammophila ‘Yanliu NO. 1’ was subject to different degrees of inhibition under complex saline-alkali stress, (2) S. psammophila ‘Yanliu NO. 1’ could not tolerate stress at concentrations 〉 100 mmol/L of the three mixed saline-alkali solutions, and (3) the saline-alkali condition with salinity 〉 150 mmol/L and pH 〉 9.51 was not suitable for the growth of S. psammophila ‘Yanliu NO. 1’.



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