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基质配比和缓释肥添加量对浙江楠大规格容器苗质量的影响     被引量:27

Effect of substrate ratio and slow-release fertilizer loading on the quality of large size container seedlings of Phoebe chekiangensis



英文题名:Effect of substrate ratio and slow-release fertilizer loading on the quality of large size container seedlings of Phoebe chekiangensis

作者:楚秀丽[1] 王秀花[2] 张东北[2] 吴小林[2] 王艺[1] 周志春[1]












外文关键词:Phoebe chekiangensis; large size container seedling; substrate ratio; slow-release fertilizer loading


摘要:以浙江楠1年生容器苗为材料,采用析因试验设计,设置基质配比(代号S)和缓释肥添加量(代号F)两因素,培育2年生容器苗,对其生长及N、P养分状况等质量因子进行分析。结果表明:基质中黄泥、泥炭比例变化对容器苗生长的影响较小,缓释肥添加量对容器苗生长的影响较明显,两因素对苗高、地径及根冠比影响皆不显著;而两因素对养分吸收的影响均显著。缓释肥加载对该容器苗生长的影响主要体现在干物质积累和根系发育方面,两者的较佳添加量分别为2.5和3.5 kg/m3。组合S1(泥炭45%+谷壳40%+黄泥15%)+F2(2.5 kg/m3)处理的单株干物质量最大,为56.48 g,其次为组合S1+F3(3.5 kg/m3)、S2(泥炭35%+谷壳40%+黄泥25%)+F2处理的,干物质量分别为54.05、52.07 g,而根系发育指标表现出组合S1+F2、S1+F3、S2+F2和S2+F3处理的较好。S2基质容器苗叶片N含量显著高于S1基质,叶片、根系P含量则在S1基质时较高。随缓释肥添加量增加,浙江楠N含量上升,P含量降低。基于以上生长及养分吸收状况,浙江楠2年生容器苗对基质配比不甚敏感,可结合生产成本和需求进行配比调整,而其对缓释肥加载要求较高,因此培育高质量容器苗应采用高N低P型缓释肥,经换算,培育浙江楠2年生容器苗,N的施用量不应低于1 850 mg/株,P的施用量不应高于350mg/株。
One-year-old container seedlings ofPhoebe chekiangensiswere used as materials. Quality indexes includinggrowth and nutrient status of large size container seedlings(two-year-old) cultivated under factorial experimental designwith two factors of substrates and slow-release fertilizer(SLF) were measured. The results showed that: growth of thecontainer seedlings were affected obviously by slow-release fertilizer, while the effect of mud and peat ratio in substrateon seedling growth was weaker than that of SLF. And neither substrate proportion nor SLF had obvious effect on seedlingheight, ground diameter and ratio of root to shoot. However, both of the two factors had obvious effect on nutrition ab-sorption of the seedlings. Effects of SLF level on the seedlings mainly reflected on seedling dry matter and the rootgrowth. The optimal SLF level for seedling dry matter and root growth were 2.5 kg/ m3 and 3.5 kg/ m3 respectively. Theroot development indexes showed that the treatment combinations of S1(peat 45%+rice husk 40%+mud 15%)+F2(2.5kg/ m3), S1+F3(3.5 kg/ m3), S2(peat 35%+rice husk 40%+mud 25%)+F2 and S2+F3 were better. Combination ofS1+F2 displayed the most large plant dry matter, which was 56.48 g, followed by the combinations of S1+F3, S2+F2,with 54.05 g and 52.07 g respectively. While, N content of container seedling for substrate S2 was significantly higherthan that for substrate S1. However, P content in leaves and roots with substrate S1 was higher. With the increasing offertilization, N content in container seedlings raised, whereas P content decreased. It could be concluded that containerseedlings of two-year-oldPh. chekiangensiswas not sensitive to substrate ratio but sensitive to SLF. So, substrate ratiocan be varied according to requirement and production cost. While, cultivating of the high quality container seedlingsshould choose fertilizer with high N and low P. The N does of fertilizer for the seedling cultivation should not be less than1 850 mg/ stem, and that for P should not be higher than 350 mg/ stem.



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